Chapter 20 (Alexs POV)

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Piper and I have been sticking close lately.

And I mean very close.

Meaning, if one of us had to go to the bathroom, the other would come too.

I was not letting Piper out of my sight. Especially not after what was pulled with Pennsatucky.

Piper and I would take turns sleeping, and while one was asleep, the other was on watch.

It was rare for Piper and I to split with Pennsatucky around.

Nicky knew about our situation, but that didn't stop her from making jokes about how Piper should just surgically attach herself to my hip.

I sat on my bunk, every so often peeking over into Pipers and making sure she was still there.

She was.

And she was asleep. Piper looked so peaceful. Ever since all this drama happened, you never saw much of that anymore.

But I really had to pee.

I was going to wake her up, but decided against it.

But I do get Nicky to watch over her while Im gone.

"What about you Vause?" Nicky asked concerned.

"I'll be back soon. Okay? Just make sure Pipers okay." I say promptly.

Nicky sits on Reds bunk. And nods at me.

I stop in my bunk and grab my toilet paper. And not thinking anything of it, I leave my glasses too.

Fast walking toward the bathroom, I find its empty. Thank god.

I spend a good 5 minutes in the bathroom, most of the time showering.

Then, I take a deep breath, and get ready to walk out.

I look at my feet as I walk back to my bunk. Counting my steps, one by one.

I see that I've reached my bunk, and what I see really pisses me off.

My glasses lay on the floor, the bridge of them snapped in half.

"Shit." I mumble.

I pick them up and look them over.

Nicky strolls in, and see's what happened.

"Woah, Vause? What happened to your glasses?" Her eyes wide.

"Smashed in the name of Jesus." I say, hands rising above my head as if Im praising god. Just like Pennsatucky.

"... Here." Nicky trails off, as she walks toward her cube and grabs tape.

"Try this, just don't let the guards see it." Nicky holds it out toward me.

I take it eagerly and immediately thank her.

I head back toward my cube. And collapse onto my bunk.

And then, I start to tape my glasses.

Piper yawns and walks into my cube, but stops short when she sees my glasses.

"Alex? What happened?" Piper looks genuinely tense. There goes that peacefulness I saw earlier.

"Pennsatucky, she fucked up my glasses." I dismiss the thought before I get even more infuriated then I already am.

Piper sucks in a breath and rushes over to me. "Are you hurt?" Is the first thing she says when the flat of her hand is laid on my cheek.

I feel warmth course through me and I close my eyes at her touch.

"Yeah, she didn't touch me. Only my glasses suffered." I give a small chuckle, but Piper doesn't return it.

She has a frown on her face, and her eyes are scrunched. Thinking about something.

"Pipes?" I break her from her trance.

"Will figure this out..." She mutters.

I nod. "I know."

Pipers eyes connect with mine, and I smirk.


Hey, had a bit of writers block. Depressing day, so didn't have much inspiration to write today. But just for you guys, I got this chapter written up and posted so... Yay, I guess. Reaaaally need some ideas. Message me please!!

~ Gabrielle💁

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