Chapter 6 (Pipers POV)

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3 days later

I wake up and open my eyes. I instantly regret it because Im rewarded with a pounding headache.

Everything is silent. Except for the annoying beeps of some kind of monitor on the left of me.

Everything is blurry, my mind feels slow and groggy.

I feel a tube going down my throat, helping me breathe.

Where am I?

I hazily remember what happened.


He hurt me.

But then I think more.

Alex! Where was Alex!?

Was she okay?

I look around and try to sit up.
A stabbing pain makes me suck in a breath.

My lung. My rib broke and punctured my lung.

A doctor see's me struggling to sit up and he gently pushes me back down.

"Hold my hand okay? Im going to take out the tube to let you breathe on your own. Squeeze my hand if at any time you cant breathe or your struggling for breath."

I clasp his palm as he slowly takes it out. I feel the tube coming up my throat.

Its very uncomfortable and I gag.

"I know. It sucks. Just try and keep still."

As the tube is finally pulled out, Im breathing on my own.

The doctor smiles. "Your a strong one huh?" He chuckles. "That lung of yours is healing nicely. Its a long recovery though. Just make sure to get plenty of rest. Im assuming you want to go back to your cube right?"

I nod, unable to trust my voice since I had a tube down my throat. I might sound like a dying animal if I tried to talk.

He pulls up a wheelchair and helps me up. Pain stabs me so hard I groan and wince. "Easy now." After I'm in the wheel chair, he gives me something that makes me feel numb.

He wheels me down the hallways and down to my cube. I hear gasps of surprise and I smile weakly at them.

Partly because Im so numb all I can feel is my lips and because I still have my theory on sounding like a dying animal if I try to talk.

I see Alex sitting on my bunk, in her own world. As she see's me wheeled into the cube she sighs in relief.

"Pipes! Your okay!" She exclaims.
Her eyes are red and glassy. It looks like she was crying.

She shoots up from the bed and stands off to the side as the doctor helps me onto my bunk.

I moan when Im finally on my bed. I may be numb, but that doesn't block out all the pain Im feeling.

The doctor walks over to Alex. "She'll be okay. I gave her some pain medicine. She might be a little... Off... For a little while. She cant walk, so I talked to the guards. If your willing, you can bring in her lunch to her and her medicine. But you'll most likely have to take off of your job for awhile."

Alex nods right away. "Of course. I'll watch out for her."

The doctor leaves me with Alex.
She immediately looks at me. Sorrow in her eyes.

She looks like she is at a lost for words. Which is rare for Alex.

I finally find my voice.
"Hi." I say hoarsely.

Alex sadly smiles back.
"Hey little spoon..."

"I need my big spoon" I whine. My voice low and dry.

"Pipes I don't want to hurt you..." She trails off. But I just slowly and might I add painfully, scoot over towards the edge of the bed.

I wince when I finally get comfortable.

She looks unsure and at war with herself.

"Don't make me roll over and come get you." I add jokingly.

She finally lays close to the wall and I cuddle into her. Stopping a few times to catch my breath from the pain and because my lung is sucking at being a lung right now.

I gaze into her eyes and she just plays with my hair. I suddenly blurt out a question before I can stop it.

"Why do you always feel so inevitable to me?" I whisper. She looks taken back by this question but I just ignore it.

Finally I sigh and bury my head into her chest.

She plays with my hair again. And I start to feel drowsy.

"I heart you" Alex says into my ear.

I chuckle a little.

"I heart you too." I mumble before I drift into a peaceful sleep.

(A/N Awwwww!! The feels!!😭)

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