Chapter 23 (Pipers POV)

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We exit the laundry room, and head towards where we hear the commotion.

Alex and I have our hands interlocked the whole way.

She tries to stop a few times and take me back to our cubes, but I just pull her along.

Alex sighs and stops struggling.

3 guards come into view. And they're dragging Pennsatucky with them.

I stop dead in my tracks. And Im overcome with guilt.

Alex tugs my hand towards hers and she pulls me into a warm embrace.

I bury my head in the crook of her neck.

I don't know how long we stand there, but Alex at one point leads me towards our dorm.

The entire dorm is empty when we enter, but as we approach Nicky's cube we see that people are in there after all.

Sister Jane, Yoga Jones, Lorna, Big Boo and Nicky are all passing around a bottle full of what smells like liquor.

"Ayyyyyye guys." Lorna slurs out.

"Whats the party for?" Alex asks.

"Were celebrating Pennsatucky getting thrown in psych!" Everyone in the cube cheers to that. The bottle still being passed.

I feel my eyes darken, and Alex gives my arm a tug in the opposite direction.

"We could stay I guess," I start eyeing up the bottle.

"Piper," Alex starts, but I cut her off.

"We can't miss the big celebration, after all." I pull her into the cube and she studies me carefully.

Plopping down on the empty end of the cot, the bottle reaches me.

I sniff it.

Bourbon, yuck.

I grab it and take a big swig. I feel it slide down my throat. Leaving a burning trail in its place. My face puckers.

I pass the bottle to Alex.

She takes a sip and passes it. Not even seeming like it bothered her.

Alex always did have a high tolerance.

The bottle goes around, each sip making everyone drunker.

Time passes, but I don't how much. Im to buzzed to care though.

Slowly, people stumble back into there cubes.

Alex grabs my arm and leads me back to my cube. I trip, but she catches me.

"I feeeeeel greeeeat." I tell her.

"I bet you do." Alex laughs.

Falling onto my cot, Alex waits for me to get comfortable and then she kisses me goodnight.

"Goodnight Pipes." She whispers in my ear.

I try to say it back, but darkness consumes me before I can.


Alex shakes me awake.

Startling me, I roll onto the floor. Alex loses it and starts to die of laughter.

I groan and open my eyes. My head starts to pound.

Alex pulls me up.

"10 more minutes.." I murmur, closing my eyes and holding my head.

"Nope. Time to get up kid." She is still chuckling.

We walk down to grab breakfast, Nicky and Lorna catch up with us.

Lorna looks like a zombie, but Nicky looks fine.

I immediately sit at our table, head in hands.

Alex walks up and gets us both water and oranges.

She sets mine down in front of me. But I gag and push them her way.

"Still a lightweight huh kid?" Alex begins to chew on her oranges.

"Nuh Uh. Bourbon is a little stronger than Pinot." I remark.

I sip on my water, headache starting to subside slightly.

Leanne enters the room and sits at her table alone.

Guilt washes over me.

"What if what I did the Pennsatucky was wrong?" I ask Alex.

"Wrong? Piper, we basically preformed a public service." She sips her water too.

"Maybe I can talk to Healy and work something out. So we could get her out of there." I murmur.

"Your just hung over and feeling emo." Alex just looks at her oranges.

"Alex. We did this to her." I shake my head.

"Hey! Don't project your conscious onto me. Especially before Im barely awake."

I remain silent. And Alex sighs. Knowing what I was thinking about.

I had to get Pennsatucky out.


I am so sorry! This a late chapter, I know!! Wattpad goofed up.

I thought it had been published and it wasn't. Then it deleted half the chapter and I had to rewrite it!

I'll update maybe later, but I will have a chapter up on time tomorrow!! Bye little spoons.

~ Gabrielle💁

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