Chapter 8 (Pipers POV)

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Alex walks down to grab my lunch, exiting the dorm and ignoring my protests of not being totally helpless.

I pull my gaze from Alex's vanishing figure as she rounds the corner entering a different hallway, to the letter from Polly sitting in my lap.

I carefully open it, wondering why Polly couldn't just visit me and tell me.

I gently pull the letter from the envelope and scan over it with my eyes.

"Hey Piper. I would have come down but I couldn't wait until Visiting day.

I noticed that you had me down as your emergency contact. So since they cant reach you in prison, I was first told.

A doctor had called me and told me some very bad news concerning your parents.

They were driving down last Visiting day when Larry was there and when the light turned green an out of control car zoomed in front of them and they crashed.

Both of your parents were DOA. (A/N, Dead On Arrival)

Im so sorry Piper. I'll try and get down there soon. Stay strong and don't do anything rash. Take care, for now.

Love, Polly."

I stare down at the letter. My parents were gone. They were coming to see me.

They were dead.

And it was my fault.

A few tears run down my face. The words repeating in my head. Car crash. Both dead. My fault.

If only I hadn't been such a terrible daughter. They could still be alive. All those times I told my mother I wanted my father to visit me. The one time she gets him to come, they both die before they arrive.

I would never get to say goodbye. My mother would never see me in my wedding dress. My father, never walk me down the aisle. Never meet my children or see them go through their mile stones.

All those possibilities, gone.

Tears roll down my face. And Alex walks back in with 2 trays. She see's my face and looks instantly alarmed.

"Pipes, whats wrong? Does something hurt?" She asks starting to worry.

My eyes meet hers as I look up.

"My parents... They got in a car accident... Their... Gone..." I manage to get out.

Alex looks at me with pity.

Tears brim my eyes. "And its all my fault." I whisper.

Now Alex looks confused. I quietly explain everything to her and by the end, she has set down the trays on Reds bunk and is holding me in her lap while I cry.

I cry for what seems like hours on end. The whole time Alex never letting go of me.

Whether she is rubbing my back, or whispering words in my ear about how I didn't do anything and its not my fault.

But it is.

I did this to them.

I opened their coffins for them and locked the doors shut.

Days go by. One after the other. Alex brings me lunch, but I never eat it. She stands by me through it all.

I just simply stay curled up on my bed. Not moving.

Hoping that this is all just some sick and twisted joke.

But deep deep down, I know that it wasn't.

I think about how Polly told me they didn't suffer, and thats good I guess. Not that the fact makes it hurt any less.

Every night when I go to sleep I sob into my pillow quietly. Im pretty sure no one hears me, since I bury my head so deep in the pillow I could suffocate if I tried to.

Every once in awhile Nicky or Lorna might stop by and try to console me.

But no one ever gets a word out of me.

Just my cold death stare at the wall.

But they still never give up.

As night falls once again, I remember all those nights Alex cried to me about her mom.

All the sleepless nights of holding her and how un healthy she looked from not eating or drinking anything.

I wonder if thats how I looked now.

A pathetic little piece of shit. But I didn't care.

As night falls, I bury my head into my pillow again. And cry out all the tears I have.

(A/N Im just going to add my own twist here and say that Piper stayed with Alex for 2 weeks after her mothers death just so Piper doesn't seem like a complete jackass.)


Well! Thats, that for now. Must be a terrible chapter. Im aware. Writers block I guess. I really wasn't sure how I wanted this one to play out until I started writing it.

Im sorry for another short chapter. Terrible, I know. The next chapter might be better. Im not really sure what I want to happen in that chapter either.

Any ideas of guesses what I might make happen?

Anyways, Im gonna go crawl in a hole and plan the next chapter out a little.
Later little spoons!

~ Gabrielle💁

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