Chapter 5 (Alexs POV)

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As I watch Piper walk through the hallway and into the Visitation Room,
and then I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Something feels wrong.

But I don't know what. Piper wouldn't go back to Larry. Would she?


We love each other. She wouldn't do that to me. Again that is.


I walk over and sit at what I call 'Our' tree now that me and Piper usually sit out here a lot. And I pull up a book in my lap and read.

I lose track of time, and before I know it, the sun is setting and the guards are calling all inmates in from the yard.

I feel uneasy in my stomach again as I get shoved inside the doors by Mendez.

I enter my cube an see other inmates whispering and looking at me with pity eyes.

I brush it off still trying to shake off the uneasy feeling I have and go to wait in my bunk for Piper.

But instead, Im immediately surprised to see Nicky and Morello sitting on my bunk, their eyes filled with sorrow.

"Nicky, Morello, what happened? Why is everyone looking at me funny? Wheres Piper?" I ask, questions racing through my mind.

Somethings wrong.

"You don't know do you Vause?"
Nicky says looking at me.

Morello is still looking at me with pity in her eyes.

"Nicky. Tell Me."

She sighs. "Larry. When Piper went in there... He got mad at her for something. And before the guards could stop him, he slammed the table into her ribs. One broke and punctured her lung, shes been in the infirmary ever since." Nicky says softly.

Piper was hurt.

My Piper.

She needed me, and I wasn't there.

I stand in shock. Hoping this all some sick joke. But deep down, I knew it wasn't.

"Is she alive?"

"Thats just it. We don't know. The guards haven't said anything." Morello finally replied.

I start to stalk off.

"Vause-" But I don't let Nicky finish I sprint out of the room, ignoring the guards threats of getting shots.

I find an empty janitor closet and shut the door and lock it.

And I let my rage out as I punch the wall and slap it with my hands.

Piper was hurt.

Because of that bastard Larry!

And there was nothing I could do.

After my rage pours out of me, I sink down to the floor and cry.

I sob so hard it hurts.

I lay on the floor for awhile, then I get up, wipe my eyes and walk out like it never happened.

Piper was strong.

She would survive this.

And I needed to be strong for her.

I would not leave her side, she needed me.

And I would be there for her.


Well!! Little Alex meltdown huh? I know I said their would be some Alex and Piper moments in this, but I wanted to have this play out sort of.

Anyways. Not really sure what might play out, so Im going to keep it a mystery!😈 Don't hate!! Just make sure to read the next chapter!

~ Gabrielle💁


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