Chapter 10 (Pipers POV)

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(Chapter 10!! Woohooo!!😹)

Day approaches all to soon. Its Visiting day. So I wonder if Polly might visit. Try and console me like the rest....

I sound depressing. Im aware. My rib has healed though, so thats good I guess.

Alex comes and sits with me on my cot. She's tried to talk to me, but I never talk back. So she has probably given up by now.

We just sit in silence and she grabs my hand and rubs circles on it, absentmindedly.

I sit up from my place on the opposite side of the bed and lay my head on Alex's lap.

She puts her hand on my hair, she begins to twirl it between her fingers and leans her back against the wall.

"Why do I feel so bad Alex? Why do I feel like its my fault they're dead?" I ask, voice raspy from not talking or drinking a lot.

Alex just looks down at me and seems surprised I talked. But she quickly shakes it off.

"Its not your fault kid. Your parents decided to come. You didn't force them into anything." Alex gently combs through my hair with her fingers.

"Alex... Your all I have left. Your whats keeping me from breaking into pieces right now. And that scares me." A tear falls slips out of my eye, but Alex wipes it away with her thumb.

"Don't be scared Pipes. Im here. And I'll be here to annoy you as long as you want me." Alex's eyes bore into mine.

"I love you." I whisper, eyes still on hers.

"I love you too kid." I prop myself up on my elbows and close the distance between us, passionately kissing her.

She kisses back gently but hungrily at the same time.

Some tears fall down my face, but she kisses them away. As if they were never there in the first place.

We stop after a couple more seconds. Knowing Bennett isn't on duty right now, we took a big risk.

"Im sorry." I apologize lowly.

"Hey, never be sorry for stuff like that." She puts her finger under my chin and tips it up.

Alex gives me a soft peck on the lips, and I lay back down on her lap.


Visiting hours come to an end.

No word from Polly. And it leaves me slightly relieved.

I really don't feel like being told everything will be okay.

Dinner starts and I decide I'll walk down with Alex.

Not saying I'll eat anything.

I clasp my hand in hers as we exit the dorm together.

We sit at our table with Yoga Jones, Lorna, Nicky, Red and Sister Jane.

"Aye Chapman!" Nicky exclaims brightly.

"Hey sweetie" says Lorna as she eats.

"Hello Chapman" says Yoga Jones while smiling.

Red and Sister Jane just sit quietly. Neither eating. I don't blame them.

Sister Jane is still on her hunger strike and has been keeping quietly.

And Red is still depressed that the Spanish were put in charge of the kitchen. So she's been living on soup that Chang gives her.

I greet everyone politely. And sit next to Alex, and across from Nicky.

Me and Alex don't hold hands since Mendez is watching us. Pervert.

So we just settle for our knees brushing together as we make small talk with everyone at the table.

After awhile I just sit and think. All the conversations of other inmates just a hum to my ears.

I sit and think about getting some food. But I decide against it. I still feel like shit.

But I do have a headache from all the crying I've done, so I settle for a cup of water and an orange.

Lunch comes to a close. And all inmates are ordered back into their cubes, or the courtyard for a short while.

I decide to go outside, not wanting to deal with all the pitiful looks I'll get from people when I walk back in there.

I sit at the the tree me and Alex favor when we sit outside.

She offered to come with me, but I told her I would be okay and I didn't want her to feel obligated into comforting me.

I admire the view around me. Soak in what I had given up when I was inside for how long. And I feel alive.

Even though Im cooped up with very little rights.

But, theirs just something about the way the gentle breeze touches my skin, and hearing the gentle crinkle of grass crunch beneath my feet.

It makes me feel like everything will be okay.

The clouds darken after awhile and it starts to rain. Most other inmates scurry inside to avoid it.

But I just stand in it. My thoughts drift to when I was in New York with Alex and I'd go running, and the rain hit.

I would hurry home, but now its the only thing that makes me feel normal.

After Im completely soaked and lecturing myself for standing outside to long, I bring myself to walk inside and get a shower.

The warm water runs over me as I wash myself. The water stops after a couple seconds of me washing.

Cheap bastards.

I sigh and step out and dry off. Work had been canceled for everyone today. So maybe I'll catch up with Nicky and Alex.

On my way back to my cube Crazy Eyes stops me.

"Hey Dandelion!" She says, gnawing on her sleeve.

"Hello Suzanne." I say trying to avoid her.

I stalk off after I manage to get around her as she sings to herself.

"... Chocolate and Vanilla... Swwwirl, Swwwwirl..."

I enter the dorm and find Alex sitting on my cot.

"Hey, I didn't know where you were... Are you okay?" She says huskily.

"Yeah. I was being an idiot and stood in the rain."

She laughs and I curl my body to fit hers when she lays down next to me.

We both drift to sleep and I think different we are. But thats what makes us such a good match.

I fall asleep soaking in the warmth that radiating off her arms that are protectively curled around my back. Pulling me closer.

And I dream about me and Alex and all the memories we share. And I think about how much I love this women next to me.


Sorry about this one. Not my best. Major head ache and writers block. Not a good combination. And its late, I know. The next update will be earlier. Im going to go lay down. Hope you enjoy this little chappie!! 😆😊

~ Gabriellez💁

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