Chapter 21: Part 1 (Pipers POV)

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(A/N- Dedicated to 🌟/Livialeigh\🌟 For the ideas she gave me.)

It was my shift to watch, this Pennsatucky thing was getting annoying.

We had to find a way around this. And I had to do something drastic.

Talk to the demon herself.

I glance over into Nickys bunk, and see she is occupied with Lorna. And I mean really occupied.

I give a small ghostly chuckle. Then, I slip out undetected. The meth heads should be in the laundry room, so I race towards there to check first.

Before I reach the laundry room, the guards are having a couple inmates act deranged for a 'Scared Straight' program for the day.

And one child in a wheelchair, wheels off while they walk towards the bathrooms.

Poor kid. If only she could walk... Wait. Cue the lightbulb! (A/N-💡)

I pick up the pace. I had an idea.

Pennsatucky is 'Praising the Lord' in the laundry room apparently. So I just walk in.

She stops talking as soon as I enter. Pennsatucky takes in my appearance, and smirks.

I put my hands up in surrender.

"I only have something important to tell you." I keep my eyes on her.

Now, she looks genuinely confused. But she keeps quiet, so I keep talking.

"A little girl, is in a wheelchair. And I believe that you can help her walk again." I finish.

Pennsatucky's eyes bulge. But she also had confidence and understanding in them.

"Well. I can't refuse to start on the path that god has made me walk. Where is the child?" Her voice soft, with proudness in it too.

"She's in the 'Scared Straight' program. And they took the kids to show them the bathroom." I point towards the hallway, and she immediately bolts off.

My stomach twists.

Why do I feel so bad?

Pennsatucky deserved this!

But the little girl in the wheelchair... She didn't.

I shake my head, and I sink to my knees. Hanging my head in shame.

What did I do?


Im really sorry!! I know its short!! Buuuuuuut, drama will take place in the next chapter!! Its short because I wanted a little cliffhanger. Promise, I'll update tomorrow!!

~ Gabrielle💁.

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