Chapter 43 (Alex's POV)

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"Are you fucking serious?" I say in anger. The new CEO's were handing out blue poncho looking things for us to wear as our clothes were being washed. Other CEO's wore gloves as they ripped our bunks apart and took our mattresses away. How the fuck could a prison even get bed bugs? Dirty ass CEO's I bet. The guard came to cube and handed my other three bunk buddies their blue ponchos. They took them with a pissed off look on their face, but said nothing. I step up for my poncho and I look him in the eye, then look down at his empty arms.

"You're shitting me right?" I say, looking up at him again. It was that dork, Bayley. He opened his mouth to say something but he closed it again. He was too shy to stand up to me; too scared. I crossed my arms to make myself look more intimidating and it seemed to work.

"I-I'm sorry." He stuttered and quickly spun on his heels and walked out. I watched him walk away with my mouth hanging open in disbelief. I looked at the other girls and they were smirking and laughing as they changed into their ponchos and threw their clothes onto a pile. They wanted all our clothes by lunch, or else we'd get a shot. Now what the fuck was I supposed to do?


I walk into the cafeteria with my makeshift black poncho, I just had dropped my clothes off in the laundry room. I ignore the stares other inmates are giving me and I adjust myself so that I feel more comfortable. I get in line and quickly grab my tray since I was a bit late to lunch and everyone was already seated. I stalk over to the table where Piper sits and converses with Morello, Nicky, Red and others. Piper quickly catches my eye but says nothing as I sit next her, she does look at my clothing choice thoroughly though.

"Babe, are you wearing-" Piper stops as Nicky cuts her off.

"You're wearing a trash bag Vause?" She immediately breaks into a loud hearty laugh. She grips her stomach as tears stream down her face from laughing. Morello giggles a bit but Red and Piper just eat their food and glance at me.

"If you must know Nichols, I'm wearing Coco Chanel. Not a trash bag." I say with heavy sarcasm and model my look, placing my hands on my hips. I stand up a bit and give a little twirl just to add to it.

"This is priceless." Nichols heaves out between laughs. She still clutches her stomach but now is wiping the tears from her eyes.

"The fuck was I supposed to do? Fucking Bayley walks into my cube with three ponchos and not four. Claims they 'ran out'. I think the dickwad just wanted to see me naked." I shake my finger at her and raise my eyebrows.

"Or.... They ran out?" Piper speaks up. I glance at her and roll my eyes.

"Maybe. We can't be sure." I say.

"Well, the trash bag really makes your butt look nice." Piper giggles childishly. Just hearing her laugh makes the corners of my mouth poke up into a small smirk. At least she was getting a kick out of this, I knew she loved to stare at my butt. Nicky opens her mouth to shoot back a cocky remark but is suddenly cut off. We all look in the direction of someone yelling.

"Hey! Are you fucking serious?!" Piscatella shouts as Flores walked past him. She halts as he forcefully grabs her arm. "What the fuck did I tell you?" He spits out, trying to look intimidating. He wrinkles his nose though at her strong odor. Flores says nothing, but she does narrow her eyes at Piscatella. Everyone in the room now was watching the confrontation. "Lets go." While still holding her arm he tugs her in the direction of a table where only three sat. He shooed them off and looked back at Flores. "Get on the table." He says.

Flores looks at him and then around at everyone watching. She then wordlessly steps up on the table and looks around. She then smirks and looks down at Piscatella. "You think this is funny? Just wait until your knee caps give out." He says walking away.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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