Graffiti on Me

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A/N: I want to thank you for the people who followed, favorite'd and reviewed chapter 1. Like I said I wasn't sure if I was going to make this into an actual story but I came up with the idea this morning and it all flowed to me. We'll see where this takes me without further or do…

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me

Is this some type of dream? Is Stefan really here? Those were just some of the questions that filled Bonnie's head. She didn't pay attention all class her mind was solely on Stefan. She was too scared to look at him she didn't know why but something told her that if she looked back her wouldn't be there.

Walking down the hallway Bonnie gasped as she felt a pair of cold hands pull her into the janitor's closet she didn't have time to react before lips were pressed hard against hers.

"I'd thought I never see you again" he said between kisses. "You don't know how shocked I was to see you" the man with the cold hands continued.

Bonnie forced herself out of the kiss only to be staring at a pair of green orbs that were somehow sparkling in the darken room.

"W-What are you doing here? I figured that you lived out of town?" Bonnie asked still in shock

"No I just had to get out of this boring town to have some fun."

"Hey!" Bonnie said while slapping a hard chest "this is my hometown you're talking about, it's not that boring here"

"Whatever you say darlin" the eyes said while moving closer "maybe you can show me around sometime" he said seductively.

Bonnie wasn't able to answer his proposal because once again those lips consumed her. Hands began to wander until they were pulled out of their spell when the bell rang.

"Shit." Bonnie cursed under her breath, "we'll I guess I'll see you around?" She asked straightening out her clothes

"You will" the orbs said while pulling her in a kiss once more.


Bonnie sat in the library trying to study for her math test but couldn't stop thinking about Stefan. She thought of his hands around her waist and his lips pressed against hers and she realized that they didn't even exchange numbers yet. "Great." Bonnie said to herself in a husky voice

"What's so great?" She felt lips on her ear and smiled. When she turned around she came face to face with Stefan.

He looked so handsome.

"Oh you know- the wonderful math!" The curly haired girl said with a sarcastic tone.

Stefan smirked at her and took the seat next to her and pulled it closer to her so that their legs were pressed against another.

For anyone else this would be completely uncomfortable but for Stefan and Bonnie it was natural. It always felt like they were being pulled together like there was an invisible magnet on their backs. It kind of scared her because they just met but yet it felt like they've known each other for years.

Bonnie's breath became unsteady as Stefan's hand began to wonder up and down her thigh. He smiled inwardly as he heard her heart accelerate when she still was trying to keep a straight face.

"You know..." Stefan said while inching even closer "math isn't hard if you just concentrate" he said as he began to trail kisses down her shoulder to the strap of her royal blue tank top.

"You know..." Bonnie said trying to fight back a moan, "concentrating will be a lot easier if you-" Bonnie was cut off by a finger pressed against her lips.

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