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Being a vampire was great well for now at least. It has its downsides for instance blood lust and no matter how hard you try to prevent it it's just there. You try your hardest to not rip into the person’s throat when you give them a hug no matter how delicious their blood smells. You try your hardest not have a taste of everyone that walks by. She was disgusted at herself for wanting to drain a four-year old on the spot in front of everyone at the grocery store last week. Stefan had to calm her down and he showed her different breathing exercises to help control the cravings and with a little more practice she got the hang of it. It is too soon in the transition but that fact that you won't age while all your friends and family are and you're just sitting on the sidelines. Seeing the people around you grow old and die before your eyes while you stay alive reliving your life many times over again was something that might not sit well but it was part of the package deal and she knew that.

Don't get me wrong though, vampirism has its perks. Like being unstoppable living through torture and through pain only for those wounds and scars to heal up in minutes then it’s like it never happened. Being able to defend yourself against any enemy and if it so happens that they have a wooden stake in their back pockets, being able to speed away in the blink of an eye. Being fearless and not afraid to take risks and chances all the while building up your confidence and self-esteem as the days pass by.

Having your emotions heightened now this my friend could go into both categories. When you love it is like nothing that you have ever felt before when that person looks at you your whole world stops and fireworks explode in your head. When they kiss you your heat melts and when they touch you they set your body on fire. When you get angry it turns into rage and all you see was red and there is no turning back you just have the urge to strangle someone until you lose feeling in your hands. It is not the best of feelings and was one of the hardest emotions that you could control. The world became a brighter place the colors that you used to see were stronger and the stars that shine in the night sky looked brighter than diamonds on black velvet or the sun shining against the blue sky. Any emotion or sense you could think of was powerful and you just felt more alive and somehow stronger.

Compulsion is also a perk and a fault, manipulating someone making them do anything you say or do. You could rob a bank then compel your way out of it; look the cops in the eye and say that they got the wrong person. You can use it for good as much as you can for evil like if someone is a bully or stealing an old woman's pure you have the power to stop it. Compulsion is a very dangerous game though especially in Mystic Falls because people in this town know what peeps around at night. Half of the town is completely clueless thanks to the council but they are still protected. Without anyone knowing they would occasionally slip some vervain into the water supply to protect them from a vampire’s best ability. Now if you were to compel someone who's drunk from the protective water of the Falls then you, my vampire would be in a sticky situation.

Speaking of sticky situations our vampire lovers found their way into one themselves. No, it doesn't have to deal with compulsion or the perks and faults of being a vampire but a little something more...humane.


There were six seconds left on the clock coming into their finial turn with one tailing far the other. Hands were extended in each other’s faces hoping for one of them to crash and burn. Coming up to the finish line the vampire jumped into the air.

"Victory is mine!" He proclaimed.

Bonnie stood up and slow clapped as he held his arms up starring to the ceiling like he just won a kickboxing match.

"Bravo, bravo."

Before he knew it his back was slammed hard against the wall. He opened his eyes and saw Bonnie hiss at him with her fangs and veins exposed.

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