Rock Around The Clock

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He's dressed in all black he usually leaves the all black outfit to Damon but the occasion called for it. A black tight shirt that shows off the bottom half of his tattoo and his six pack abs. Black skinny jeans paired with a black belt with black shoes. Hair styled in its usual way; slick back on the sides and spiked up in the front and he even threw on a pair of shades.

She's dressed in all black as well. Black V-neck off-the-shoulder, short sleeve top that shows a hint of cleavage, skin tight leather leggings that hug her curves well paired with a black belt with a decorative buckle. Open-toed, red pumps in stiletto style with tall heels that are tan in color. Her hair was in pin curls, threw on some gold hoop earrings and a black leather jack that was red on the inside. She looked at herself on last time in the mirror and walked out the room.

When Bonnie descended from the stairs Stefan couldn't stop gawking and vice versa. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she was already in Stefan's arms who was grinning like an idiot,

"You look- stunning" he drew closer so the his lips were beside her ear, "you're the definition of sexy" he placed kisses her neck

"You don't look so bad yourself" she wrapped her arms around his neck, "ready to go, Danny?"

"Whatever you say, Sandy"

Stefan was surprised when Bonnie requested that they take his bike to the party but didn't protest.

Four days earlier...

It has been two whole days since Elena died two whole days since they saw Klaus and two whole days that they practically ate nothing. No one would admit it but all hope was lost. Bonnie went over to her grams' house and asked her for guidance she needed help dealing with this and couldn't stand the thought of losing one of her best friends. After the visit Bonnie gained some of her hope back, Sheila always knew what to say to keep Bonnie on track leaving her house Bonnie made her way back to the manor.

Opening the door she heard Caroline scream she rushed her way up the stairs almost falling down them on the way. Entering the room it was no surprise that Stefan and Damon where already in there. Bonnie examined Elena carefully

"What happened? What's wrong?" She was out of breath

"I saw it! I saw Elena's fingers twitch just like you said Stefan's did before he woke up! She's coming back Bonnie!"

The blonde ran over to her friend and grabbed her into a tight embrace filled of tears and smiles. Bonnie said a silent 'thank you' to the heavens and made her way over to Elena.

"Elena it's me Bonnie. I know you're strong so I need you to fight this please wake up I don't know what I'll do without you."

Caroline held back her tears and walked over to her friends grabbing Elena's hand while Bonnie occupied the other. Minutes had passed and Elena's eye twitched and before they knew it her dull brown eyes were staring into theirs.

Her skin was pale, lips were chapped and white, her brunette hair was now grey and her once vibrant brown eyes where now weakened. She didn't look like Elena but she was drained of blood so she looked better than she should have.

"I'll give her my blood so she can heal faster." Damon offered

Caroline looked at first to Bonnie and then Damon puzzlingly but neither Bonnie, nor Stefan and Elena looked confused as she was. She'll ask Bonnie what's going on later.

Damon made his was up to Elena while biting his wrist in the process. He propped up Elena's head gently and placed his wrist over Elena's mouth as she began to take in his blood. It looked like Elena was repulsed by the taste by the way her face was but then soon got used to it. When she pulled away she began to gain some of her color back. For the rest of the day Bonnie had her on bed rest she along with Caroline would sit with her and bring her meals just to make sure that everything was okay and that there were no side effects to the spell.

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