Small Bump

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Everything felt like it was swollen. Her boobs, her legs, her arms, her feet the list goes on, she didn't let those things slow her down though, the baby was coming soon and they had so much to do. Stefan insisted on her to take a rest and just lay down and relax but she replied with her famous line,

"Don't tell me what to do Stefan."

After that he did as she said and let her keep on pushing through. Right now they were picking out colors for the baby's bedroom. They decided to not know the sex of the baby just for surprise and so that it'll annoy the heck out of people so they picked out coed colors. The decision was between amethyst and citrine but, they had no idea which one they liked best so they sent out a mass text asking everyone to help make the decision.

Damon came over to help with painting the room, Bonnie was surprised when he said that he would help out but also was thankful and happy. She never got to see the brothers bond so she was excited to see them bond over painting the room. Bonnie walked in with a doctor’s mask to stop her from inhaling the fumes she looked around the tiny room and smiled through her mask. It was a close call but the citrine color won and she was glad to what she was seeing. It was the lighter of the colors so it made the room brighter so it definitely was the best fit for the room although, she still loved the amethyst color and decided to use it in another room whenever they have the time.

"I love the color." Bonnie gawked.

Stefan offered a smile and returned back to painting the long wall. She warned them about getting paint on the floor and with a "yes honey" from the brothers she left to let the men return to work.

Caroline and Elena had arrived shortly after Damon to keep Bonnie company. She joined them in her room and struggled getting on the bed before sitting against the headboard. 

"So how's the little one?" Caroline spoke.

"She's doing great, Meredith said that everything's normal." She rubbed her belly.

"I'll laugh if you're having a boy." Elena taunted.

"I'll be the one laughing when this baby's a girl. Everyone thinks the baby is a boy and it'll be great for Stefan so that he could name the baby after him but I have a feeling that I'm carrying a girl."

"Speaking of names have you two thought about any?" Caroline wondered.

"Not really which is weird we've just been so busy with everything else names just skimmed our mind. I guess we’ll talk about it when it’s time for the delivery."

The girls nodded and returned their attention to the television laughing occasionally at the episode of Friends that was playing on the screen. Bonnie was about to drift off until she heard Stefan's voice, he told them that they were done painting the room and wanted them to see it.

When they entered the room they were amazed. They loved the color and even though there was no furniture in the room it still was amazing to look at. Bonnie pictured everything in her head how she wanted the room to look like, she couldn’t wait until the baby was born.

"I was thinking about one more coat but I wasn't sure if we should-"

"Stefan I love you deeply but can you please stop talking the baby's going crazy." Bonnie cut in.

Stefan walked up to her and felt her belly with gentle hands. He rubbed it first before bending down.

"You got to calm down in there buddy or mama’s gonna murder me." He teased.

Bonnie slapped him on the shoulder and he chuckled standing up. That's another clue of how Bonnie knew that they were having a girl. Every time Stefan would talk for more than five seconds the baby would go bananas. She could tell that she was cooking a daddy's girl which Bonnie was both happy and worried about.

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