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Four days ago

Goose bumps were all over her skin, she felt weak and limb when she tried to move. Opening her eyes she had no idea where she was. The place had no windows all she knew was that wherever she was she wouldn't be able to get out anytime soon.

She heard a noise coming from the other side if the door she didn't know if she should be excited or terrified. There could be two types of people behind the door; a person that wants to kill her or a person that coming to rescue her from this place.

The door opened and the bright sun felt like it was blinding her. She shield her eyes with her forearm and saw a person walking in and closing the door behind them. When she recognized the person all her fears went away,

"Caroline thank god! Help me get out of this place"

When she didn't respond she tried again,

"Hello? Caroline?"

The blonde got down on her knees beside the bed she was resting on and spoke,

"Hey Bon. So since I didn't get a chance to finish yesterday I'll continue my story about my Tyler drama."

Bonnie couldn't figure out what was going on and why was Caroline acting like she didn't exist. She shifted herself to face her friend but she faced something horrible. She saw herself lying there with pale skin and hair.

"I'm dead" she came to the realization

As Caroline went on talking about her relationship Bonnie blacked out. She didn't understand how she could be dead but also alive at the same time. Why couldn't Caroline hear or see her? Her head was spinning remembering the events that happened, Klaus had placed a stake in her heart, then everything after that was a blur.

Caroline rose up from on her knees finishing talking her dead best friend for an hour. She walked towards the door and Bonnie followed her out; if she wanted to get out anytime soon now would be the opportunity.

Once again she shielded her eyes to adjust to the sun. When her eyes adjusted she began to walk she didn't know where to go. Even though she knew that no one could hear or see her she still tried talking to some people as they walked by but they just walked right past her. Bonnie couldn't accept the fact that she was dead and yet still be able to walk the streets. Someone tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around quickly facing an unfamiliar face.

"So what are you?"


"You know are you a vampire, witch blah blah blah"

"Oh I'm a witch, you?"


Bonnie studied her attire she was a beautiful woman.

"So I bet you're confused? I saw you trying to talk to everyone in sight."

"Yeah I have no idea what's going on"

The girl smiled, "You're on the other side. This is where supernatural beings go when they've died and trust me, it sucks."

Bonnie looked around the town she heard her grams saying something about the other side but didn't think much about it.

"It sucks?"

"Well yeah you can't do anything, talk to anyone it's like you're alone in this world."

"So how long have you been here?"

"Just a few years I was killed for someone's own personal gain." The vampire scoffed, "You?"

"Yeah, you know Klaus?"

"You mean the original?"

"That's the one. He tried to kill my boyfriend but I took the stake in the heat instead." Bonnie looked down

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