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A/N: Enjoy this chapter loves ;)

Nice to meet you I'm Klaus

Bonnie's POV

Did he just say Klaus? Like Klaus Klaus?

What is he doing here so early the full moon wasn't until another few weeks. Maybe he just wanted to get the feel of the place and see if Elena is really alive and that she is indeed the doppelgänger. He made a bold move coming here but I don't think that he knows that I'm a witch I don't think that he knows my name actually- which I'm not complaining.

I could see the hesitant look in both Elena and Caroline's faces so I had to intervene or Elena would be gone sooner than expected. 

"Elena, Caroline act dumb you don't know him he's just a stranger that came up to us. We know nothing"

I'm thankful that grams told me about the telepathic powers that I have. It was hard to do at first but like always practice makes perfect. It took a lot of concentration surprised that I could do it under this heated moment. 

Both girls swung their heads over to Bonnie with confused looks. Widening her eyes with caution she continued,

"Stay cool. Elena say something it's going to be okay if anything happens I'm here"

Klaus’ POV

The precious Elena. I've already collected the werewolf and vampire and all I needed was sitting right in front of me.

I've been following her the past few weeks studying her every move. She really liked to stay at home and when she wasn't there she was here not as exciting as I hoped but it made things easier on my part.

The full moon is weeks away and since she had friends and a friend who's dating Stefan Salvatore I wouldn’t take her until she is needed; the night of the full moon.

Switching my eyes from Elena I spotted a blonde beauty. Caroline Forbes, queen of Robert E. Lee High and dating a boy that goes by the name of Tyler- well maybe not for long. I’m sure with a little seduction and being a shoulder to cry on once she discovered that her best friend is dead the girl would be screaming my name to the ceiling but that will have to wait until my business with Elena is over with. 

Mutual POV

The tension in the air was thick. Anyone in the room could feel it all the girls were staring at Klaus wide eyed and frightened. Klaus kept a cool face and resorted his attention back to Elena who began to speak,

"Nice to meet you Klaus, d-did you want something?"

"Oh no I just saw you and had to say something." Klaus had a thick British accent

"I don't mean to be rude but I don't remember you maybe you can refresh?"

Instead of answering Klaus slid into the booth of course next to Elena with his hands folded on the table. If they thought the tension was thick before they were wrong. All eyes were on Klaus wondering what his next move would be. He didn’t seem like he was strong or better yet one of the original vampires but that spooked them out even more.

Klaus raised a hand calling the waiter over and ordered a rare steak then turned back to the girls eyeing each of them. He looked at Bonnie a little longer than the rest of the girls which made Bonnie frightened maybe he could sense my supernatural presence she thought.

"So what have you all been doing all day?"

"Nothing really" Bonnie spoke up

Once Klaus' steak arrived he began to eat. He took is knife and cut the smallest piece of steak that the girls ever seen Bonnie knew that he was doing this on purpose so he could stay longer but she couldn't figure out why. Why was he here? Why now? What could he want he couldn’t do anything until the full moon so why show up now?


Trust was the word that entered Bonnie mind. He wanted to speak to Elena and maybe befriend her so that when he shows up that dreadful night she would have the courage to invite him in then he’ll make is move. He needed to gain her trust so that she wouldn’t be frightened of him.

Without anyone looking Bonnie sent a text to Stefan telling him about their current situation and told him to come pick them up ASAP. She knew that Klaus wouldn't let them go on their own doing so Stefan seemed like the better option.

It felt like hours had pasted and not one person said anything. The silence was killing them all the more and it became difficult to breathe. When the bell to the front door rang Bonnie looked to see who it was. Just like she hoped it was Stefan making his way calmly to the girls like Bonnie had asked. She knew Stefan and knew that he would just speed over to the table grab the girls and beat the man and cause unwanted drama and who knew what else.

Stefan arrived in front of the girls, "Y'all ready to go?"

"Yes" Caroline responded quickly

"Hey, I'm Stefan" he extended his hand for Klaus to shake

"Klaus" he said shaking the hand with a smirk

"Excuse me Klaus but I have to go" Elena said still stuck between a wall and Klaus

"Oh my apologies" he said as he slid out of the booth

He extended an arm out for Elena to take looking over at Bonnie who steadily nodded her head she reached out and grabbed it. He helped her out the booth once Elena was out Stefan let the girls walk ahead while he lingered back just in case Klaus would try something like snatching one of them.

Stefan didn't drive to The Grill because he knew that one of them had drove there and he wanted all of them in the same car so he could make sure that they all got home safely. Bonnie handed him her cars keys and he hopped in the driver’s seat while the girls occupied the back and he set the engine to life.

"Can I ask what happened?" Stefan said looking in his rear view

"Nothing really happened" Bonnie started, "he just came up to us and asked Elena who she was and ordered a steak."

"Which he ate like he was a five year old" Caroline added with an eyeroll

Stefan chuckled at her comment. He was starting to get close to Caroline she was someone that he could call a friend. He loved her witty-ness but she could be a control freak sometimes.

"We'll I'm just glad that you're all okay. Elena how are you doing?" His voice had more concern

"I'm fine, thanks" she said with a fake smile

Stefan didn't know Elena all that well but in the little time that he got to know her he knew that she was good at hiding her pain and fear. It reminded him of Damon well except she's a girl and doesn't like to drink blood from redheads and blondes. She was strong for her age and had been through a lot that not a normal teenage girl would go through so he knew why she kept to herself- no one could relate or just simply couldn’t understand the pain and the hurt she went (and going) through. 

When they arrived to Elena's home the girls got out. Bonnie decided to stay over Elena's for about an hour then asked Stefan to pick her up

"Don't worry about Klaus he can't get in unless he's invited so be careful of who invite in" Stefan told the girls trying to soothe and also warn them

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