Find Me

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When Stefan woke up he wasn't in his bed he was laying on something far less comfortable than his California king. He blinked his eyes then shielded them with the back of his hand to block out the sun's rays. Sitting up from the dirt patch he was in he looked around to see if he was in some place familiar but he didn't recognize this place it looked like he was in a deserted field with wheat sprouting from all around him.

"I know something's bound to change

And I know I have been to blame

Washing away this era of madness won't come and spread no sane

'Cause I've been waiting watching and praying for you to go insane

I've been"

Moving his head to the right he spotted someone or at least he thought it was a someone. There was a figure in the distance and he couldn't make it out thanks to the deathening sun that was shining above.


He yelled out when he saw the figure turn around he yelled out some more.

"Calling out, come on out and find me

'cause I've been waiting my turn

Pressure's on now your heart is beating

To the sound of my name

And I say, find me"

He found the movement in his legs and started walking steadily towards the shadow. Blocking his eyes with his hands again he got a better view of the person.

She was wearing a long silk red gown it was nothing special to it, it was just a simple dress. The women's hair was long and curled but he couldn't make out the face.

"Feeling the fire burning the thought of calling back your name

Maybe it's all different because I cease to play your game

Forget the footsteps

Forward and take one back

Pray that you're secure"

It seemed like he walked for miles until he reached the woman in red he covered his eyes to make sure that he was seeing things correctly


She said nothing but smiled and reached out her arms to touch his sculpted face. Stefan reached out his hands to pull her in for a tight embrace his body suddenly felt light like he weighed zero pounds. Just to feel Bonnie in his arms made all the pain and suffering go away he held her tighter and closer making sure no to let her go he was too scared that she might drift away

"So now you're prying,

Open the binding

I'm what you're looking for"

She pulled out of the hug to stare into his leaf green eyes he couldn't resist the temptation he took ahold of her face and pulled her in for a kiss. Tears started to spill from his eyes because he was reunited with his love even if it was just for a moment he would hold on to it as long as he could. He looked into her deep eyes and smile she was really here, she was really standing in front of him and suddenly he didn't want his emotions off, he wanted his humanity he wanted to love; he need it; yearned for it. Bonnie's bind to him is strong and powerful and no matter what he's feeling or how angry he gets, whenever he looks at Bonnie and those emeralds that she wears so well he's happy and all the anger, all the pain and all the hurt fade away in thin air and it's just him and his love.

Latch (Stefonnie)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin