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Today is the day that Stefan and Bonnie had been together for one whole year and Stefan wasn't sure how they should celebrate. He took her to all the places that he knew and didn't want to repeat anything he wanted to make this day special so he went to Caroline and Elena for guidance.

Bonnie woke up in the bed alone she looked to her left but saw no site of Stefan. She wondered where he could have been it was their one year anniversary shouldn't she at least be able to spend it waking up next to her boyfriend? When she was about to get out of bed she heard him enter the room,

"And I- will always love you- I- will always love you-!" He carried a breakfast tray in his hands

Bonnie burst into laughter, he wasn't the best singer but it was cute. He set the tray down in her lap and kissed her on her temple picked up the fork and began to feed her the pancakes he made.

"Stefan you don't have to feed me" she took a bite of the fluffy goodness

"Well we've been together for a year today and I want to spoil you" he pulled the fork from her mouth

They spent the rest of the hour in bed feeding each other. Bonnie knew that Stefan didn't need to eat but she just wanted to spoil him too. They held a long conversation about the past few months and about their future they couldn't believe that they made it this far let alone live this far after everything since the beginning of their relationship. They are both thankful that they found each other because if they hadn't neither of them were sure where they would be and Bonnie was thankful for Stefan because of the whole Klaus thing she knew that she couldn't handle it alone.

"So Stefan I was thinking and I think that you should meet my dad."

"I think that's a great idea when?"

"Today just for a late lunch. He's not going to be back for a while so-" Bonnie trailed off

"Yeah okay today it is"

Stefan wasn't too happy about meeting the man that Bonnie calls father in his eyes he didn't deserve that title. He was never home always on business trips and it was just sad to see whenever Bonnie and her father would make plans something always popped up and he would cancel. He was just wishing that this wouldn't be the case again he always hated the look on her face when that would happen.

Pulling up to The Grill Bonnie faced Stefan,

"I'm not sure how he's going to react I never told him about any of my boyfriend's before so I don't know what to expect."

"It's fine I can handle it" he ran his fingers through her curls

Walking in with the chime of the door following them Bonnie spotted her father and made her way over to him pulling him in for a tight hug. Stefan stood back watching the action smiling,

"Dad this is my boyfriend, Stefan"

"Nice to meet you Mr. Bennett" Stefan shook his hand

"So you're the one my daughter has been going on about"

"Dad" she couldn't help but feel embarrassed

"I sure hope so" he took a seat next to Bonnie

Once the food was ordered the questions began to flood one right after another,

"What do you want your occupation to be?"

"I want to be a doctor"

"What are your intentions with my daughter?"

"Well I love her and when the time is right I would love to marry her."

Surprised by Stefan's response he looked over to Bonnie, "Bonnie how do you feel about this?"

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