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The stars were shining brightly on top of the darkness of the sky, Stefan felt his body electrify as he gulped down the liquid in his victims vein he heard her pulse slow down but he wasn't full enough he needed more and wasn't going to stop until he got his fill. With a thump the middle aged women hit the floor with her neck detached from the rest of her seeing what he had done he tried to put her back together but it was no use she was long gone and it was no way to get her back. Covering up his tracks he threw her into the lake wiped the blood from his chin and went on his way whistling just like a ripper would.

Making his way towards the boardinghouse he heard a familiar laugh he turned around to see a girl with her back faced to him she was surrounded by her friends and dressed like someone that he used to know. She had chocolate curly hair and a caramel skin complexion he sped his way over to her,

"Bonnie?" He tapped on her shoulder

She spun around, her curls gently grazed his sculpted face, and she came face to face with the brightest green eyes that she's ever seen,

"No sorry my name's Alicia" she extended her arm and smiled

"Alicia, that's a nice name"

"Thank you and you are" she batted her eyelashes

"Stefan, why don't we have a little talk Alicia"


Another body was thrown into the river that night.

Soon he learned how to control himself more with every victim that he drank from the more in control he became. Like a regular vampire he would compel the unfortunate ladies to forget that he ever existed and to go back home he was even nice enough to feed them some of his blood so that the wounds would heal faster. He didn't do it out of the kindness of his own heart but for his sake, the last thing he wanted was to deal with people running around drinking vervain because someone yelled that there was a vampire on the loose he already had enough stuff to deal with.

Five hours before

When the last prayers and words were spoken Bonnie's memorial was over and it was time to take a trip to the mausoleum that she would be staying in for the time being. The ride there was quiet there were no tears shed it seemed like everyone cried enough for years and combined they could make their own river. Everyone was lost in their own thoughts and mostly trying to come up with a plan to bring Bonnie back from the dead even though it was useless, they couldn't do anything until they got a lead and Shelia hadn't heard anything yet.

When the car came to a halt they all got out one by one. Stefan carried Bonnie in his arms and wrapped her up lightly in a blanket and placed her on the stone bed. He stayed there for a few moments, said his last goodbyes and went on his way. Everyone looked at him strangely as he walked out, it wasn't like Stefan to just skip out on something like this but they understood, he loved Bonnie more than anything and anyone and just couldn't take it all. Damon stared at his brother as he walked off he knew something wasn't right but he would check up on that later right now he had to talk to Shelia.

Cracking his neck and knuckles he walked down the long road with a kick in his step he felt great he had to put on a little ruse for the gang back there to pretend like he actually cared about her funeral but now that it was all over he could go back to what he does best; drinking blood. He breathed in a whiff of air reveling in the fact that he didn't care; he didn't care that he just basically buried the love of his life, he didn't care that there was a huge possibility that she may never return, he didn't care that he didn't care in his eyes his life was perfect just the way it should be.

"I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones

Enough to make my systems blow

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

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