Chapter 38: Truth.

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(Your p.o.v)

I gulped while looking at BB. Then at L. And back at BB. They were identical! I started wondering if Beyond was not L's brother rather than mine. It would make much more sense. The only thing that makes the difference between those two are the eyes.

I couldn't believe that there was a chance I was standing in front of my brother. Will he even remember me one day? Will I ever remember him?

Neha interupted my thoughts by sighing heavily.Here we go...

"It was soooo boring. Do you know how horrible I looked in those prison clothes? And I'm not even talking about the smell. Blah, blah, blah"

Understanding that she needed to shut up, Matt complimented her. "Aw, but I thought you looked really sexy in that suit, babe." "Thanks, Matty!" she instantly replied and finally shut her mouth with an idiotic smile.

I consider Neha as my own sister but sometimes I really want to send her in a blackhole.

"So when are we gonna go back home?" Mello bluntly asked snapping a piece of chocolate in his mouth.

"Right away." I replied and went to search for our suitcases . We were going back to Japan and were going to do a DNA test there.

When we were had finally gathered all our suitcases, L drove us to one of his private jet so that no one would get suspicious.
(Time skip to Japan, at the hotel.)

I came from the kitchen with the syringes to see Beyond struggling on the table. He had been uncouncious through all the flight and it was still the case.

Inserting the syringe in his arm, I looked at his face. He was a serial killer. Even though he might be my brother, I cannot let him in liberty. Maybe I should-No. I need to know. I need to get this clear.

When the syringe was full, I placed in on the table and took another one for myself. When it was finally done, we went to the laboratory where we did the DNA test.

I waited anxiously for the results, tapping my fingers on the hard cold kitchen table.

(Time skip to end of test.)

I looked at the result and gasped. Beyond was really my brother. L took the paper from me and carefully read it. He then looked at me worriedly. "H-He is m-my....Brother?" I stuttered. He patted my back. I looked at Beyond. He had woken up and was tied on a chair with an observation room. His head was hanging low as if in defeat.

"I want to talk to him." I said, not averting my eyes from him. "Are you sure?" L asked obviously worried. I nodded and stood up. I took a deep breath as I directed myself to my brother.

(BB's p.o.v)

Questions ran through my mind. Why would he kidnapp me? Who were those two girls? Where am I? As I kept trying to find answers for all those questions, I heard the door creak open and footsteps approaching. I did not bother looking up already knowing it was one of those girls.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice barely audible. The room fell dead silent. After some time, I heard a long sigh and a chair was dragged in front of me. The woman sat there and looked at me. I lifted my eyes a little to see her face. She was the one to inject a syringe of anaesthesia in me. She is also the one to posses a deathnote, since can't see her life span. "What do you want?" I repeated.

She ignored my question and look directly into my eyes. "Do you know me?" she asked, wearing a serious face. "Of course I don't!" I screamed. It was her turn to hang her head down. "Beyond... do you recall who Y/n is?" she barely whispered. My eyes widened. Y-Y/n? how could she know her?

(A/n: I am sooooo sorry for taking so long! I'm such a horrible person. I haven't been on watt pad for two weeks and yesterday we had a festival called the Mahashivratree and I had to walk 13 kilometres from home so now my whole body is aching. Plus, I had to carry my brother half of the time, so it was even harder. Anyways, I'll stop complaining and tell you the good news. Since I haven't updated for so long, I'm hanna give you guys two chapters! That's what is gonna happen when I'm late for now on. Hope you enjoy the next one.)

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