Chapter 80: On rec.

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(Your p.o.v)

'That's strange.' I thought. 'I've not seen him since we got out of this dream.'

"Huh." I said out loud. "Since when did ceilings swirl?" I asked myself as I saw the white stuff in front of me make oval forms. My vision blurred and the buzzing sound became louder. My head turned, which, to me, was a very slow action and I looked at my hand. Water kept falling on it but the liquid felt different. It was thicker than usual.

The last thing I felt was the wet floor touching my skin. I had passed out.

(P.o.v of the one across the screen.)

'Good. The drugs worked this time.' I sighed in relief and leaned back on my chair as the crowd behind me roared and cheered. They were excited. That was more obvious.

Its such a shame they will have to wait for two months for season two.

I felt someone patting my shoulder from behind. I turned my head up to look for who it was and it turned out to be (y/m/n). I instantly stood up straight and bowed down.

"Miss. Everything went according to the plan. You can see yourself how much the crowd has been entertained so far. We will be launching season two in two months if everything goes well." I said in a formal tone, looking straight up.

"Good." She said walking back to the exit. Her high heels clacked on the floor. I wonder how I did not hear her coming. She stopped in her tracks and slightly turned her head in my direction.

"But if you make any other mistake and the characters find out what is going on, you will be fired. I don't think your mother would be proud of you."

I gulped but nodded. ' she left the room, leaving me alone, in the dark. 'Come on. You heard her.' I thought. 'You must be as careful as possible. Or else, not only her, but the whole population will turn against you.'

There was a small beeping sound coming out from my watch signaling me it was time to give the weekly speech. I cleared my throat, took the piece of paper out of my pocket and put the microphone next to my mouth.

"Well, well, well." I said. "It seems that the season one is ending with yet another plot twist for y/n." The public seemed to be sad. "Oh don't make that face, my dear viewers. We will be back with even more drama. And it will never end because, honestly, who wants it to.

To find out what will happen in the next season, tune in to Shinigami entertainment. Goodbye...for now."

I ended and leaned back on my chair. 'Good job,


(A/n: Holy shit.)

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