Chapter 81: Routine.

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(Hailin's p.o.v)

Afterwards, I packed my materials. I left the building. The streets were desert as always
All of the Shinigami were still at the arena.

They are so pathetic. Their life are so boring that they found as only me and of entertainment a reality show held by humans. But I'm in no position of complaining. These dummies really help me get a living.

I walked to the place I called home. There, I took a bath and changed onto my pajama. I yawn but restrained myself from sleeping right away. I had to verify my clowns first.

I took my board and went over to Lawliet first of all.

He seemed to be fine. His blood sugar concentration was stable, as well as his IQ level. Breathing constantly, heart beating at a regular pace. Every was okay.

I noted all the necessary information down on the board and left.

It went all the sane for the others; Draknar, Beyond, the Wammy boys and Neha.

I had to check the last one, Y/n. "I hope she returned to her old self." I said to myself bit deep inside, I knew it was hopeless.

I tightened my grip on the board as I opened the big metal door to y/n's room. I let out a sigh. No. She did not t return back to her normal self.

I dragged the nearby chair in front of her and sat on it. I placed the board on my thigh and leaned towards her.

She was leaned towards me too. Her eyes held and expression of utter boredom yet her hands were held to her body as if she was feeling an immense pain.

Her head tilted to one side, she stared in space.

I had to admit it, this was a rather scary sight. I rested my chin on my hand and looked at her with furrowed eyes. "What's wrong with you lately, y/n? Why are you acting so weirdly? I know for sure its not because of those damn hackers." I said even though I knew she could not reply.

I signed as I did the check up. She was fine in terms of help.

I left and locked the room.

I jumped on my bed and smuggled with the covers. 'Two months vacation, Hailin.' I thought smiling happily, slowly drifting off to sleep.

(A/n: So shooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooort.
Well, hopefully this makes it a little longer XD

I have a rather bad announcement to make. Exams are approaching for me so I will not really be able to update. 😭😭😭😭😭

Wish me good luck, please. 😫)

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