three // edited

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"A guy and a girl can just be friends, but soon enough, they'll fall for each other"

Barry woke up to the sunrise outside his window. He smiled remembering his "conversation" with his ceiling last night. The pair of them were becoming good friends. With excitement, he got ready using his speed. Barry walked downstairs to get breakfast like a normal person just in case anyone was up to save them the rude awakening they would get from the strong gust of wind he generated. Barry happily ate his bowl of cereal for breakfast before heading to Jitters to grab two coffees, one for him, one for Caitlin.

Barry was all smiles as he waited in line to get coffee. He was probably the most alert and happy person in the line right no. Most people in line were annoyed as there is a new person training at the counter making the process of getting coffee much slower. Barry maintained his happy attitude throughout this agonizing wait, knowing Caitlin wouldn't be at STAR Labs for another half hour. 

Despite the long wait, the ordering and receiving drinks went fairly quick. It was only a few minutes between ordering the drinks and receiving them. Because of this, Barry ran a little slower than normal. It felt like the day for a nice "jog". The sun was shinning and the sidewalks were clear. In total, it only took him a few seconds longer than normal for him to get there. As he was running in, he saw Caitlin's blue car alone in the parking lot. She must have come in early, Barry thought. He got on the elevator and waited for it to bring him up to the floor with the cortex.

He walked in with the coffees and saw Caitlin hard at work. It had looked like she had been there for hours when she was really only there for a few minutes. She turned around when she smelled the aroma of coffee and heard his footsteps. Her eyes widened as she eagerly accepted the coffee. 

"Can I ask you something?" Caitlin gestured for Barry to continue, "Would you want to maybe go to that karaoke bar on a date."

She made him wait a few seconds before replying, "I make no promises of singing."

Barry had a mental celebration but only revealed a very wide grin to Caitlin. They two sat next to each other and talked until Cisco came in looking a whole lot better than he did yesterday. He, however, stopped dead in the doorway which cause Barry and Caitlin to turn towards him.

"I feel like I just walked into a whole other universe, which I have done before so that's saying a lot," Cisco commented, referring to the time he spent on Earth 2.

Barry got up out of his chair and pulled up another one. Cisco sat down and smiled.

"That's better, now it feels like I'm on this Earth," Cisco said in a serious tone.

Barry's phone rang. He was sadly needed down at the police station so his day with his friends had to commence. When goodbyes were said, he ran off, completely forgetting about the mess of papers his friends would have to clean up in his absence. 

"Where have you been?" Captain Singh barked upon Barry's arrival.

"I have a day off," Barry insisted, but Captain Singh gave him a look, "Or not."

Barry walked upstairs to his lab and began to work on cases that were now overflowing on his desk. He could definitely see why Captain Singh wanted him her A.S.A.P. In the midst of his paperwork, he got a phone call from Caitlin who needed to inform him of a robbery in progress at the bank. Leaving his mound of cases behind, Barry ran to the bank to confront the robbers. 

Stopping the robbery proved to be easy. All he had to do was catch a few bullets and pin the robbers down while the cops arrived on the scene. He tried to get out of there before the officers came running into the bank but failed. When the officers all realized The Flash had swiftly stopped the attack, he got many "Thank you"'s thrown his way. He even got one from Captain Singh.

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