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"If someone really loves you, they'll support you no matter how hard the situation is"

Caitlin tensed up really quickly. She took her hand out of Barry's and took her head off his shoulder. She completely understood and was fine with Barry taking his time with telling Iris. She also knew this was petrifying for Barry and she felt really bad for him.

Joe and Cisco had their eyes widened. They were looking at each with a look that said, "let's go." Joe walked out first and patted Barry on the back for good luck. Cisco walked out really quickly, leaving Iris, Caitlin, and Barry.

Iris rose her eyebrow, put her hands on her hips, and started to tap her foot on the floor. Caitlin leaned her head over to the side when Barry was looking at her to tell him to go talk to her. Barry nodded at her and started to walk over to the room with the treadmill. Iris followed him.

Barry sighed as he sat down on the treadmill. Iris didn't sit, though, she was pissed. She crossed her arms and began to tap her foot on the floor, waiting for an answer. Caitlin sat in the hallway. She doesn't chew her nails, but this seemed like an exception.

"Iris, I can explain," Barry started.

"Explain what Barry? The fact that you told me you needed some time to think and then you go off and date another girl, a girl who happens to be one of my best friends. Or the fact that you never told me about it," Iris shouted.

"Iris I.." Barry started again before Iris cut him off again.

"You what Barry?" Iris screamed.

"Let me talk!" Barry shouted back. " I did need some time to think and that was the truth. I took my time and over that time I realized that my feelings for you weren't the same as they used to be. I started to have those feelings for Caitlin and she had them for me too so we kind of started to date. I didn't tell you because I knew you would be upset and I didn't want to upset you," Barry explained in a quiet voice.

"It does upset me, though," Iris quieted down and relaxed a little more.

"I get that it was wrong, but I didn't want to hurt you because I still care about you," Barry tried to explain.

"I just feel like I'm the last one to know everything," Iris sat down as she fought tears.

"I'm sorry I really am, but I'm with Caitlin now," Barry got up and walked out.

Iris sat on the treadmill as a tear trickled down her cheek. Barry went into the hallway and found Caitlin sitting down. He held his hand out and Caitlin took it. He helped her up and they went back into the cortex. Iris was walking out as they walked in, free of tears.

Barry texted Cisco and Joe to come back. Cisco came back in but Joe had left to go to the police station. Cisco sat down and so did Caitlin. Awkwardness filled the room.

"What was going on before we came in?" Barry asked.

"We were trying to find you two," Cisco told him.

Barry pulled up another chair next to Caitlin and sat down. The trio looked for any sign of criminal activity, but the city seemed to be dead. Cisco was dying to know what went on when he left but felt awkward about asking about it.

"Hey, it's almost lunchtime, do you guys want me to pick up pizza?" Cisco asked, sensing the tension between Barry and Caitlin.

Caitlin nodded and Cisco left them alone. Caitlin turned towards Barry and stared at him.

"So, what went down between you and Iris?" Caitlin asked.

"I just told her that I was in love with you now and that I don't have the same feelings I once did for her," Barry summed up.

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