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"I won't grow up"

Today is Animal Kingdom. Natalie was wearing a Jungle Book t-shirt and shorts so she was ready to go. Barry packed the backpack and Caitlin got the breakfast bars for everyone ready. They were out the door with 10 minutes till the park opened.

When they got to Animal Kingdom, they looked at the animals. Natalie was fascinated by literally every animal. Barry would read her the descriptions of each animal as she followed his finger across the plaque. Who knew Disney World could help teach kids how to read?

Even though it was still early in the morning by the time they had finished looking at the animals it was super hot out. The ride, Kali River Rapids, helped cool them off. The ride was a thrill ride to Natalie, which she loved, and got them all soaked. They walked around wet, waiting to dry off, for a while as Natalie revisited some of the animals.

By the time Natalie was done they were all almost dry, thanks to the sun and the lack of clouds. Since they were dry, Caitlin and Natalie went on Dinosaur while Barry went on Expedition Everest. Barry seemed pretty satisfied with his ride but Dinosaur scared Natalie a little bit.

Food seemed to help Natalie forget about the ride. Food always helps. As they were eating, Mowgli came out next to the restaurant for a meet and greet. Natalie of course wanted her picture so they quickly finished up their food and went to the meet and greet. Natalie has seen the Jungle Book almost as much as the Little Mermaid so this was super exciting for her.

"Hi Mowgli!" Natalie cheered as she ran up to him for a hug.

This character didn't talk so he only waved to her as she ran up to him. They hugged and Mowgli pointed to the camera for the picture. Natalie smiled and waved goodbye once the picture was done.

After the meet and greet they decided to do the safari. The safari was going to be Natalie's favorite thing, Barry could feel it. They got on the car and the ride started. Natalie was super excited about how close the animals got but the lions scared her. Caitlin was enjoying watching Natalie being super happy and Barry was enjoying the animals. Barry was practically a little kid. Natalie seemed to enjoy the ride but Caitlin was almost positive, like 99.99% positive, Barry enjoyed it more.

It was almost time for the parade so Barry, Caitlin, and Natalie made their way over to watch it. Natalie got a Mickey churro on the way over. She didn't like it, though, so Barry ate it for her.

The parade was pretty much the same as yesterday's but Natalie still seemed to love it. Peter Pan even came up and gave her a lollipop. Not only did Natalie get a lollipop, but Caitlin and Barry did too. Caitlin silently laughed at the joy that came over Barry's face. Barry seemed to notice this mockery.

"Lollipops aren't only for little kids!" Barry defended with the lollipop to the right of his mouth.

Caitlin continued to laugh at him as Natalie watched the rest of the parade. Elsa and Anna waved at Natalie fromt their float, a really exciting moment for her. Now Caitlin was jealous since Elsa and Anna were her two favorite princess\queens.

"Daddy, who's your favorite princess?" Natalie looked up at her dad.

Caitlin started to cry laughing. Barry gave her a glare and then focused his attention on the curious little girl.

"I love Rapunzel," Barry answered sincerely.

The sincerity in Barry's voice made Caitlin laugh even harder. Barry gave her another glare as she continued laughing. She didn't really know why this was so funny to her but it was.

The parade ended so they all ate dinner at different restaurant that was a little bit farther. The food was pretty much the same so the extra walk seemed worthless but oh well.

Next up in this adventure was a Mickey and Minnie Mouse meet and greet. This time it wasn't only Natalie getting a picture, Caitlin and Barry got one too. Natalie got a really cute picture with Mickey and Minnie but Barry and Caitlin's was cuter.

Waiting in line for these pictures, however, was so long. It was long past the firework show by the time they got their pictures. Caitlin took Natalie back to the room as Barry purchased the pictures with Mowgli and Minnie and Mickey. Back at the room, Barry sent Iris the pictures.

Iris's phone went off. She was in the kitchen doing the dishes so Joe got up to give it to her. He didn't mean to look at it but he saw Barry sent pictures so he looked at them. The guilt flooded his body again. He fought back a tear and went to give Iris the phone.

Iris flipped through the pictures, smiling at each one. Instead of texting Barry back she decided to call him.

"Still haven't met Rapunzel I see," Iris held back laugh.

Barry knew he shouldn't have put the phone on speaker. Caitlin started to die laughing again. Caitlin was so loud Iris could hear the faint laugh in the background. "Nope," Barry bit the inside of his cheek.

"Make sure you meet her, you've loved Tangled for as long as I can remember," The laugh Iris was holding back came out.

"I think it's time for you to shut up," Barry whispered.

"Carefull, there are kids around!" Iris warned.

"She's sleeping. Goodbye!" Barry hung up.

Iris laughed so loudly that Joe could hear from the living room. The guilt had started to slowly drift away but now it was back. All he wanted was to apologize, but he knew it was too late. 


Dear readers,

Ok so this is short but don't blame me, I'm super tired and I have Heroes and Villains Fanfest tomorrow and Sunday so yeah. I AM MEETING DANIELLE PANABAKER TOMORROW AKA ONE-HALF OF SNOWBARRY! Anyways, comment down below how you feel about Irisco  :)

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Instagram: flash.xoxo

Love, the author, 

Elly :)

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