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"Everyone needs their own guardian angel"

Barry ran in front of Caitlin first. She was his top priority. He ran faster than ever before, like Caitlin told him to do. Thankfully, he caught all the bullets headed towards her and Cisco. This time Barry was determined to save everyone. He ran towards the three gunmen, catching every bullet. Barry took their guns and threw them over on the other side of the room. Barry was furious at them, I mean no one tries to kill his girl.

Behind him, Caitlin was calling the police. Normally she wouldn't call them, but they weren't metahumans so they couldn't go in the pipeline. She had seen Barry run faster than ever before because of her. As touched as she was by Barry's act of love she knew that was what would get him killed. She saw how angry he was, I mean no one tries to kill his girl.

Cisco was petrified. In these situations he was normally chill, but today he was so close to death he couldn't be cool. If it hadn't been for Barry he would be dead. Caitlin seemed a little too chill for this situation to him. He knew that she would have faith in Barry, I mean no one tries to kill his girl.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you scaredy cats?" Barry's voice rose with each word.

The gunmen were nothing without their speedy guns, so they ran out of the cortex, only to be met by policemen. They were screwed. Six officers went up to detain each gunman in groups of two. Barry got out of his Flash costume and walked into the cortex.

"What did I miss?" Barry asked, acting like he had just gotten back from the bathroom.

"Well there were gunman here and the Flash stopped them. Why are you here Allen?" Captain Singh questioned.

"I have weekly doctor check ups here," Barry stretched the truth. Captain Singh gave a confused face. "I was hit by lightning, remember? No? Ok," Barry gave up and walked over to Caitlin. Barry enveloped Caitlin in a hug. He whispered, "Are you ok?"

Caitlin nodded and squeezed him back, tightly. The whole room went silent and everyone turned towards the couple, they were shocked that the nerdy forensic scientist had a girlfriend.

"Wait. She's your doctor and girlfriend?" Captain Singh asked.

"No, she's my girlfriend who is here for my doctor's appointment. He's my doctor," Barry pointed at Cisco who was smiling like a dork.

Everyone went back to their work. Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco walked over to the paramedics to get checked. Everything was fine... shocker. The police asked them a few questions about what happened and then allowed them to go home.

Cisco went home before Caitlin and Barry. The two lovers sat in Caitlin's car, pondering of what to do. They decided to go back to Caitlin's place and they drove off.

The drive home was a little awkward. The radio was on but neither of them sang. Caitlin seemed to be in a little more shock than normal. During the event she seemed fine, but now was a different story. Her eyes were wide open, she gripped the steering wheel like her life depended on it, and flinched whenever a bird flew by or a chipmunk crossed the road. Barry moved his hand across her thigh to assure her everything was ok, but it didn't seem to work.

Caitlin pulled into her driveway the way a new driver would, slowly and carefully. They both walked into the house and sat down. They didn't turn on the tv or grab snacks, they just sat. Barry would have tried to comfort her but he was worried it would only scare her more. The fact that Caitlin was barely blinking scared Barry.

"Are you ok?" Barry asked in a calming voice.

She shook her head very slowly and then leaned onto his shoulders. A few tears dripped onto Barry's t-shirt. Then a few tears became many. He put her on his lap and let her cry into his chest as he rubbed her back.

"You're alright. You're home now," Barry whispered in a comforting voice.

Caitlin sobs slowed down and became a few tears after a while. When her sobs were nothing but sniffles she leaned into Barry's chest and laid there.

"What's wrong?" Barry asked a little quieter than his normal voice.

"I thought everyone was going to die," Caitlin sniffled.

"No one did, we are all alive and unharmed and that's all because of you," Barry whispered. Caitlin looked up at him with a confused face. "I pushed myself and gained more speed because I love you and if something happened to you I couldn't live with myself."

She smiled at him and then went back to resting on his chest as he held her. Barry's phone vibrated in his pocket, someone was calling him. He didn't care, though. What mattered was Caitlin and that was it, but his phone kept vibrating. Caitlin started to get off of his lap but he pushed her back, telling her to stay.

"I can answer my phone later. Get some sleep," Barry whispered.

He planted a kiss on the top of her head. She relaxed again and, within minutes, she was asleep. Barry carefully moved to get his phone. He didn't wake her up, that was a good sign. He held his phone out to the right of him. Joe had called him three times. He texted Joe to tell him what was going on. Joe only replied with a smiley face. Barry set his phone down next to him and then started to pick up Caitlin as slowly and carefully as possible. Once she was in his arms he carried her to her bed and tucked her in.

He went into the bathroom and called Joe really quickly.

"Hey Bare, what happened?" Joe asked through the phone.

Barry explained it all to him and then said, "I'll come home when I know she's ok."

The two hung up and Barry went back to Caitlin's bedroom. He slipped under the covers and fell asleep as well.

When he woke up, Caitlin was laying in bed half asleep. When she felt him wake up, she rolled over so she faced him. Barry smiled and she smiled back. It was pretty late (and by late I mean it was 6:30pm) when they woke up, so, after Caitlin assured Barry she was ok, Barry went back to the West house.

When he arrived, Iris was waiting for him with a plate of dinner laid out for the two of them. Iris hugged him really tightly and then gestured him over to the dinner table.

"Where were you? We were so worried," Iris asked.

"Caitlin was in shock, so I took her home. She had a little panic attack so I left after she was fine enough to be home alone," Barry explained, leaving out the girlfriend part.

Iris nodded and the two continued to eat. When Barry was done, he and Iris put their plates in the sink. Barry was doing the dishes as Iris cleaned up the kitchen. The phone rang, so Barry dried his hands and answered it.

"Barry! Help!" Caitlin whispered in between sobs.

Barry dropped the phone and ran back over to her house, without hanging up.


Dear readers,

I'm such a terrible author, like, I leave you with a cliffhanger almost very chapter.

I totally failed my cheer tryouts so.... go me :\

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Love, the author,

Elly :)

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