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"Angels are often disguised as daughters"

Barry was back before Cisco and Caitlin could even say anything.

"How could I be a father? I've only ever done it with one person," Barry admitted not realizing what he said.

Suddenly the entire room was looking at Caitlin. Her face flushed red and she sunk down in her chair. The urge to cry was so strong right now, but she had to keep it together. Cisco's jaw dropped. He always knew Caitlin would be a good mother, but he never expected her to be one so soon.

"I'm gonna go," Cisco announced before stepping out of the room.

There was no way Cisco was going to miss this, so he stayed in the hallway so he could hear. He felt a little bad for eavesdropping, but he just had to know what was going on.

"Caitlin?" Barry whispered.

"I was your first?" Was all Caitlin could say right now.

"There was never anyone special enough, until you," Barry said softly. "Were you pregnant? Is that why you left?" Barry asked in a calming manner.

Barry wanted to scream and shout at her, but the pain in her eyes made him wince, and there was the fact that he just found out he's a father.

Caitlin nodded as a few tears escaped from her eyes. Cisco could feel tears coming on as could Barry. Barry pulled Caitlin into a hug and rubbed her back. He could be mad tomorrow, but right now Caitlin needed him and so did he.

When Caitlin was done crying and her and Barry were back to sitting across from each other she pulled out her phone.

"Want to see her?" Caitlin asked.

"Her?" Barry asked, realizing it was a girl. Caitlin nodded and then raised an eyebrow as a way to ask her question again. "I'd love too," Barry smiled.

Caitlin would have shown him her lock screen but it wasn't that good of a picture. She scrolled through her photos and then found this one picture of Natalie on her first day of daycare, or school, as Natalie likes to call it. She was wearing a light blue dress, black flats, had a pink backpack on her shoulders, and her hair was curled. Caitlin decided this was the perfect picture and handed over her phone to Barry.

Barry stared at the picture for a really long time, a few tears even trickled down his cheek.

"What's her name?" Barry asked shakily.

"Natalie Adelynn Snow," Caitlin replied.

Not hearing Allen at the end of her name killed Barry. He handed the phone back even though he didn't want to.

"Can I meet her?" Barry whispered.

Caitlin smiled and nodded, "Soon."

Barry's phone lit up, it was Caitlin texting the picture of Natalie. He set the picture as his lock screen and just stared at it. Then it suddenly hit him, this was the little girl he had bumped into at Jitters.

"Did you happen to promise her chocolate milk?" Barry asked.

"Yeah. She had an asthma attack and she handled it well, so I got her chocolate milk. How did you know that?" Caitlin asked, forgetting all about the day at Jitters.

"I bumped into her," Barry told her.

"Oh right! I completely forgot!" Caitlin remembered.

Cisco couldn't take hiding anymore. He ran into the cortex and sat down in an extra chair. He rolled the chair over to Barry and said, "Lemme see!"

Barry handed over his phone and showed Cisco. He smiled at her picture and then handed back the phone.

"I hope I will be Uncle Cisco," Cisco proudly said.

"Why not? She already has Aunt Felicity," Caitlin laughed.

"Wait, Felicity knew?" Barry asked.

"She was the only person I felt comfortable with telling," Caitlin explained.

"Why don't we go home for the day?" Cisco suggested.

Everyone agreed. Caitlin went to the daycare to pick up Natalie, even though it was early. Cisco went home to relax as did Barry.

Barry walked into the door, looking at the picture of Natalie. Since he was looking down, he didn't notice Joe walking towards him. Him and Joe accidently bumped into each other, causing Barry to drop his phone. Joe bent down and picked it up. He never meant to look at it, but he did and he saw the picture of the random little girl with Barry's eyes.

"Who's this?" Joe asked.

Barry knew there was no way to sugarcoat it so he gave him a straight up answer. "My daughter."


Dear readers, 

Sorry for the short chapter and sorry that it's like all dialogue, but there was no other way to make this chapter. You guys are going to love the next chapter, it's very drama filled. 

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Love, the author, 

Elly :)

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