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"Stop holding on to what hurts and make room for what feels good"

Barry was in the middle of an amazing dream when he was shaken awake. He was used to being woken up by Joe when he didn't wake up to his alarm, but this seemed not as powerful. Confused, he opened his eyes and saw a small girl standing next to the bed. Looks like his dream was real.

Barry got ready before going to the table for breakfast. He, sadly, had to work at the police station again today. He ate a quick breakfast, said goodbye to everyone, and ran to the police station.

Normally, Barry would go talk to Joe to avoid work, but work seemed like a better option today. Without a glance at Joe, Barry made his trip up the stairs to the CSI labs.

Someone tapped Barry on the shoulder while he was in the middle of wrapping up a case. Barry looked up to see Iris looking down at him. He quickly looked back down.

"Can we talk?" Iris pleaded.

"Go ahead," Barry mumbled.

"I was stupid and selfish. I chose to take out all my anger and jealousy on you and that wasn't fair. I should've been okay with the fact that you and Caitlin are dating and now I've accepted it. I wanted to say that I'm sorry for acting the way I did and I was hoping we could be friends\siblings again," Iris apologized.

Barry had promised himself he wouldn't forgive any Joe or Iris this easily, but this apology was making it hard for him to keep his promise to himself. This apology was the most sincere apology he had ever been given, so it was decided he would forgive her.

"I accept your apology," Barry stood up.

Iris sighed of relief and gave Barry a friendly hug. "I'll let you get back to your work."

Barry nodded and looked back down at the case. He finished it up as he listened to the sound of Iris's heels get softer and softer. Iris was easy to forgive, she had only been jealous that she wasn't with Barry, Joe, however, his behavior was uncalled for and he would not be forgiven as easily.

After work, Barry went to the West house to pack up. Thankfully, Joe was still working, so Barry only had Iris and Wally to deal with. He used his speed to put everything in boxes and throw out junk he had lying around.

Barry stood in his room looking around at how empty it was. This was the room he was given when he was a little boy after his mom had died and now he was leaving. He heard soft footsteps, breaking his thoughts.

"Wow, it's so empty," Iris said.

"Yeah, I guess I better carry these over to Caitlin's and unpack," Barry didn't want to be around here long enough to regret his decision.

Barry ran each box to Caitlin's, like he said he would do. Caitlin was still at work, so Barry started to unpack without using his speed. He thought it would be fun to look through everything more thoroughly, but after five minutes he gave and used his speed.

Barry was in the middle of an episode of Doctor Phil when Caitlin and Natalie arrived home. He quickly turned off the tv so he could hear all about Natalie's day. He sat her on his lap and began, "How was day care?"

"We made pictures of our family!" Natalie exclaimed, holding up a slightly crumbled piece of paper.

On the paper was Natalie in between Barry and Caitlin, holding their hands. Of course it wasn't that good, but to her it was a masterpiece.

"This deserves to be hung on the refrigerator," Barry declared.

He picked up Natalie and carried her to the kitchen. He held her as he put a loose magnet over the paper to keep it from falling. Natalie clapped rapidly at the sight of her picture being hung up.

Later that night, Caitlin and Barry tucked Natalie in and Barry read her part of The Little Mermaid (the book) before heading out to the living room.

"Were you serious about Disney World because I totally want to go!" Caitlin exclaimed.

"Sure! We should do it around Natalie's birthday, but I don't think we should be there on her birthday," Barry informed her.

Caitlin agreed. The two planned out the details of the vacation, like what hotel they were staying at, plane tickets, and car rental. Once they were done, they made sure they bought everything correctly and then headed to bed.

Caitlin could not be more than thrilled with how things were turning out, she had a new fiancee, and amazing daughter, and an awesome trip planned, but something seemed to be missing. She pondered what she could be missing in this perfect life as she took off her makeup. Nothing came to her.

It wasn't until she was turning off the living room light that she figured it out. She was about to flick the light switch when she saw a picture on the mantle of the fireplace right below the tv. That picture had given her the answer. What was missing in her perfect life was not a thing or a place, it was a person, it was Ronnie. 


Dear readers,

I've given you a pretty important chapter here. The next chapter might be kinda short but the feels will hit you hard so grab and tissue box and ice cream. 

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Love, the author,

Elly :)

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