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"I can tell you had bad dreams last night. Let me take you in my arms until you feel alright"

Iris was a little bit confused as to why Barry ran off. She picked up the phone and hung it up. Iris was a little worried because he just ran off, but she knew he would be fine no matter what, so she carried on with cleaning the kitchen.

Barry ran in through the door, thanks to the key under the welcome mat Caitlin told him about. He went straight to her room and found her sitting under the blanket. Her weeping was loud enough for him to figure out the spot she was in. He slowly took off her covers and put his index finger over her mouth to tell her to be quiet.

Barry ran around the dark house and searched every inch. Nothing was there. He went over every possible situation in his head of what could have happened. Maybe whoever was here left or they are really good at hiding. The last thing to cross his mind was that she was having a panic attack over the sound of the wind or something like that. That last thought had proven to be the case, so he went back into her room to comfort her.

"There's no one here it was just the wind, it's ok," Barry assured her. She nodded and then laid into his chest. Barry rubbed her back and whispered, "Do you want me to stay tonight?"

Caitlin nodded. He held her for a little while longer and then, once she was fine, he got up to pick a movie for them to watch.

He went through her selection. There was The Notebook, Monsters Inc, The Amazing Spider-man, and a few others. Knowing Caitlin would pick The Notebook, he picked it out. As he walked back to her room he remembered that The Notebook was sad and she had already cried enough today, so, he went back and grabbed Monsters Inc. After switching the movies, he went back to Caitlin's room to show her.

Caitlin was on FaceBook when Barry walked back in. He walked in quietly so he didn't scare her too much, but he walked so quietly she didn't hear him. He tapped her on the shoulder and showed her the movie cover. She smiled and nodded. She set her laptop aside and got up.

Barry popped the DVD into the DVD player and then sat on the couch next to Caitlin. She leaned on his shoulder and the movie started.

The movie had been a good way to distract Caitlin for at least a few hours. By the time the movie was over it was pretty late, so Caitlin for ready for bed as Barry cleaned up the living room.

Caitlin was ready for bed pretty quickly, so Barry pulled off his clothes, leaving his boxers on, and climbed into bed with her. Barry pulled Caitlin into a spooning position and the two fell asleep.

The whole night Caitlin was tossing and turning. Her breathing was extremely fast. There would even be a few times where she would be completely still and gasp. This kept Barry up all night. Just as Caitlin was finally still and Barry was asleep, she screamed as she woke up.

Barry quickly got up and hugged her as she sobbed into his shoulder. He rocked her back and forth to try to get her to calm down.

"Shhhhh. It's ok, you're safe now," Barry whispered.

When Caitlin was better she fell asleep and stayed sound asleep. Barry was able to get some sleep, but not much, he wanted to be only half asleep the rest of the night in case Caitlin were to wake up again.

The Next Day

Even though Caitlin's alarm went off she didn't wake up. Barry did, however. Barry ran home very quickly to get ready and assure Joe that he was ok. When he had finished that he went back to Caitlin's house.

Caitlin was still sound asleep when he got back, so Barry cleaned up a little around the house. As he was cleaning he found the necklace he gave her in a drawer in the bathroom. He took it out and then set it on the counter in the kitchen.

When he was done cleaning, Barry made two bowls of cereal and set them out all nice and pretty on the dining room table. He made sure there were two glasses of water and a vase of flowers as the centerpiece. Since it was almost nine in the morning, Barry thought he should wake up Caitlin. He didn't have to, though. As he was adjusting the flowers to satisfy his OCD, Caitlin walked out.

"Morning angel," Barry smiled.

She smiled back and said, "You found my necklace!"

Caitlin went over to it and picked it up. She tried to unclasp it and put it around her neck but she couldn't re-clasp it. Barry took the necklace out of her hands and put it around her neck for her.

The two sat down for breakfast and began to eat. Barry was super hungry since he had been up for a while so he stuffed his face as Caitlin laughed at him.

"A little hungry?" Caitlin yawned.

"A little tired?" Barry shot back.

"Well played Mr. Allen," Caitlin said.

Barry smiled and bowed while Caitlin laughed at him. Caitlin just happened to get a look at the digital clock in the kitchen. She took one last bite of her cereal before putting hers and Barry's bowls in the sink. She rushed to get ready as Barry washed the bowls.

When everything was done Barry and Caitlin left for STAR Labs. Barry happily drove Caitlin's car so she didn't have a panic attack.

"I can't believe the one and only Barry Allen is driving a car," Caitlin cheered.

"Only for you my love," Barry took one hand off the steering wheel and interlocked it with Caitlin's hand.

Caitlin pecked his cheek as Barry pulled into the parking lot. Barry got out of the car and opened Caitlin's door for her. She put her hand back in his and went inside the huge building.

The two walked down the hallway to the cortex holding hands. Caitlin rested her head on comfortably on Barry's shoulder as they entered the cortex. They were met with Joe standing next to Iris and Cisco in his desk chair.

"Barry?" Iris asked, confused as to why Caitlin had her hand in Barry's and her head on his shoulder. 


Dear readers,

I'm so sorry about not updating! I was going to on Tuesday but then I had a haircut before my strings concert and my concert went to  9 and had my trip the next day so I went straight to bed. On Wednesday, I had my 8th Grade Graduation NYC trip that went from 6:30am - 11pm and I had another strings concert the day after for judges so I went straight to bed. And, tomorrow, don't expect a chapter cuz I have another 8th Grade Graduation trip to an amusement park 6:30am-9pm. 

Love triangle is about to start... you've been warned. 

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Love, the author,

Elly :)

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