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"I'm so happy to have you in my life"

Caitlin woke up first. This time, waking up was different, she felt like she was in different clothes and that the bed was smaller. She rolled over, wanting to sleep more, and saw Barry. She smiled and remembered last night. Now she was fully awake. She got out of bed very slowly so she didn't wake up Barry. She tiptoed across the carpet and went to the clothes that were on the floor. She picked up Barry's undershirt and threw it on so it covered her bra and underwear. She went to go make two bowls of cereal for each of them. She set the bowls on the table and then went back to her bedroom to wake up Barry.

She shook Barry. He rolled over and mumbled, "Two more minute Joe."

"I'm not Joe," Caitlin giggled.

This woke Barry right up. He rolled over and looked at Caitlin, he gave her a soft smile. She ripped the covers off the bed to reveal Barry in only his boxers. He got out of bed and quickly put his jeans from yesterday on.

"Are you wearing my shirt?" Barry asked.

"Maybe..." Caitlin trailed off.

"You look good in it," Barry planted a kiss on her cheek.

Caitlin showed him to the dining room table where their breakfast was laid out. The two sat down across from each other and began to eat. They finished pretty quickly, so quickly they barely even talked.

"What time is it?" Barry asked.

"Like 5 am ish," Caitlin told him as they started to was the bowls.

"How do you wake up this early? I wake up like five minutes before I have to be at work," Barry yawned.

"Yes, but you cheat with your super speed," Caitlin countered.

"I do not!" Barry flicked the water off his hands onto Caitlin.

Caitlin flicked the water off her hands back at Barry. This went on for a while until it turned into a full on water fight. Barry sprayed water on Caitlin from the sprayer in the sink as she put her hands up over her face.

"Stop! It's really cold!" Caitlin squealed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, let me turn it warmer," Barry laughed.

Caitlin moved closer to him as slowly as possible. As soon as she was within reach she grabbed the sprayer and started to soak Barry as she laughed. Barry held his hands up over his face as Caitlin sprayed him. Then he remembered he has super speed. So he used his speed to grab the sprayer from Caitlin.

"That's no fair!" Caitlin stomped her foot on the ground.

Barry shut off the water and put the sprayer back in it's place. He went over and hugged Caitlin.

"I'm sorry," He whispered.

"I'm gonna go shower," Caitlin announced.

"Ok, I'm gonna go home and get ready. I'll meet you at STAR Labs," Barry gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and then ran home.

He ran into his house and ran upstairs to get dressed. He did his normal routine and then went downstairs to watch the news. When he was walking down the hallway he noticed that Iris and Wally were still asleep. He must have gotten back home earlier than he normally woke up.

Joe was eating breakfast at the table as he read a newspaper. Trying to avoid any conversation, Barry sat down and turned on the news. Joe turned away from his paper and set his coffee down.

"You're up early. Do you want some breakfast?" Joe asked.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry," Barry avoided eye contact.

"Where were you last night?" Joe rose an eyebrow.

"STAR Labs," Barry lied.

"Why?" Joe questioned.

"We were talking and I guess we fell asleep," Barry lied once again.

Joe nodded and then got up to get dressed for work. Barry sighed of relief, he was thankful that interrogation was over.

When it was time for Barry to leave, he ran to Jitters to get coffee for him and Caitlin. He waited in the short-ish line. When it was his turn to order he asked for two Flashes togo. The waiter handed them over and then Barry ran to STAR Labs.

Caitlin was standing up talking to Cisco, who must have gotten there early. He set the two coffees down on the desk and then ran up behind Caitlin and gave her a hug. He rested his arms on her shoulders and his chin on her head.

"So, what were we talking about?" Barry asked with a smile on his face.

"The mysterious gunmen," Cisco replied with a hint of jealousy.

"Yeah, we think that it's just a matter of speed. If you ran faster, you would be able to catch each bullet," Caitlin explained.

Barry nodded, "We just need to find them first."

"Congratulations, you found us," The gunmen stepped into the cortex.

The three turned around and each gunman fired the guns in their hand.


Dear readers,

That was a really bad and short filler chapter sorry 'bout that. How cute was that water fight though? 

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Love, the author, 

Elly :)

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