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The whole world can know you're all I need cause baby someday I'll drop and hit one knee and tell you"

"Iris," Barry began after everyone else left, "I didn't find out til like yesterday."

"You're such an idiot Barry!" Iris shouted.

"Thanks, I appreciate everyone telling me this," Barry said sarcastically, "you know what's funny one of the only people who was ok with this was Captain Singh," Barry let out a little laugh.

"He's ok with you getting married and knocking up someone you barely know?" Iris asked.

"First of all she's my girlfriend and she was at the time, sort of, it was complicated. Second of all, I love her and I want to be with her for the rest of my life. It's not like we're too young, she was already married before," Barry commented.

"Complicated?" Iris seemed confused.

"Ok so we weren't dating the second time we... you know... but we are now!" Barry shot back.

"You weren't dating and you didn't use protection?" Iris needed clarification.

"Yeah," Barry shrugged.

"Oh my god! You're such an idiot!" Iris yelled.

"I may be an idiot, but I got a beautiful, amazing, daughter and my amazing girlfriend back out of this," Barry defended.

"You're unbelieveable! You're ruining your life!" Iris screamed as she put her hands up in surrender.

"Maybe you're just jealous," Barry realized.

Iris could argue anymore, he was right. Her face went red. Barry smirked, he had won.

"Can I see the ring?" Iris asked in a small voice. Barry nodded and pulled out the diamond ring. Iris smiled, "It's beautiful, she'll love it."

Iris walked out of the cortex with her head down. Barry thought she was crying but he couldn't tell. Cisco walked in as Iris walked out.

"Where's Cait?" Barry asked.

"She took Natalie out so she didn't have to hear everything," Cisco informed him.

"That's perfect. We need to plan the ultimate proposal," Barry took the Iris conflict out of his head.

"I can babysit Natalie so you two can go on a date," Cisco suggested.

"Perfect!" Barry cheered.

The two best friends sat down and planned out everything while they waited for Caitlin and Natalie. This was going to be the best proposal ever!

Later than night Barry texted Caitlin. Put on something nice and meet me at the park. Caitlin got ready, like Barry told her too. She didn't know what she would do with Natalie, but she could figure that out later. She put on a nice dress, heels, diamond earrings, and grabbed a clutch.

Just as she was about to leave when Cisco knocked at her door.

"Your chariot awaits," Cisco held out his arm. He was dressed up nicely, but not suit and tie nice. "Bring Natalie too," Cisco smiled.

Caitlin took his arm and then gestured Natalie to come. She put her hand in Natalie's as they walked down to the car. Cisco pulled up at the park.

"Go ahead, I have Natalie," Cisco assured her.

Caitlin walked through the park to the lights she could see. When she arrived at the spot Barry was she was blown away. There was picnic blanket with candles laid out around it, leaving a space for them to be able to walk in and out. In between each candle were a few rose petals. There were paper lanterns hanging from the surrounding trees. Best of all there was Barry standing, in a suit and tie, on the picnic blanket. Barry put his hand out and Caitlin took it. The two sat down on the blanket.

"So, I figured, since it's after dinner we could have ice cream instead," Barry said as he took out a cooler.

"Oh my god yes!" Caitlin laughed.

Barry handed her a bowl of vanilla with chocolate syrup dribbled lightly across the top with a spoon. Caitlin smiled as she took the bowl. Barry scooped chocolate into his bowl and then dribbled hershey syrup across his as well.

"Thank you so much, this is amazing," Caitlin took another bite of her ice cream.

"Anything for the best," Barry smiled. "I was going to bring a karaoke machine, but I thought that might have been a little bit much," Barry laughed.

"Maybe just a tad much," Caitlin laughed.

The two talked a little bit more as they finished their ice cream. They each had a second bowl because why not? When they were done, they threw out the paper bowls and plastic spoons in a nearby trash can.

"Can I tell you something?" Barry asked before they sat down.

"Go ahead," Caitlin said.

"The day that I took your hand was magical," Barry began, "that was the day that I realized that I wanted us to be more than friends. Being together has honestly been the best part of my life, no matter the struggles that we've been through and we've been through a lot. The two or so years that you were away really showed me how much I need you in my life. I need you because you make me laugh, I'm the best me when I'm with you, and because when you're gone nothing feels right until you return. When I realized I needed you, I also realized I didn't want to have to ever spend another day without you. So, Doctor Snow," Barry smiled, took out the ring, bent down on one knee, and opened the ring box, "Will you marry me?" 


Dear readers, 

Ok, I'm done, I've caused a major case of the feels upon myself and now I can't handle it.

Sorry it's such a short chapter, but the ending should make up for it :)

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Instagram: flash.xoxo

Love, the author,

Elly :)

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