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"The best is yet to come"

Caitlin changed into sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt to make it seem like she had been sleeping the entire night. She sat on the stool, leaning on the island, as she sipped her coffee. The alarm went off back in her bedroom. There was the sound of wind and then Barry was ready for the day.

"Hey, did you go to bed last night, I don't remember you coming back to bed," Barry asked.

"I fell asleep on the couch. I wasn't tired so I watched the news and ended up falling asleep," Caitlin lied.

Barry nodded, showing that he believed her. He hugged her, but something was different, she was cold.

"Are you feeling ok, you're freezing."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Barry shrugged it off and then made some coffee for himself. Since Caitlin had been up longer she had finished her coffee first and went to get ready. Barry's phone lit up with a message from the police station, there had been a sighting of the metahuman everyone was trying to find and they need a CSI to go over the spotted place. Barry waved his phone at Caitlin and she nodded, understanding it was the police station. Barry left to go to the crime scene while Caitlin waited to wake up Natalie.

Seeing Joe was awkward. Barry did his CSI thing as best as he could without needing to talk to Joe. Of course, this was a dead end. The whole thing was a total waste of time.

When he was dismissed from his work, he went to the police station. He was working on the metahuman case when he remembered the trip to Disney he was taking with Caitlin and Natalie. Barry went down to Captain Singh's office to get the week off he would be away.

"Hey Captain, could I have a week off? I'm going on vacation with my family," Barry asked, nervously.

"Joe hasn't said anything about a vacation," Captain Singh raised his eyebrow.

"I'm not going on vacation with him, I'm going with my daughter and fiancee," Barry clarified.

"Oh ok, sure have the week off, but you better get a lot of work done before you leave," Captain Singh said.

Barry nodded and then went back to his office. Thanks to his speed, he was able to finish a lot of cases that day.

Later, at home, Barry invited Iris over to meet Natalie since they never had a proper introduction. Caitlin put together a chicken caesar salad for dinner with Iris. Barry set the table as Natalie played with her Barbies. The doorbell rang and Barry walked over to answer.

"Hey!" Iris smiled as she walked in.

"Hey!" Barry and Caitlin said in sync.

Iris hung her coat up and then walked over to the island to sit down. Caitlin put the chicken in the salad and Barry finished setting the table.

"So, how are you guys?" Iris asked as she watched them act like real parents.

"Good! What about you?" Caitlin replied.

"Pretty good," Iris let out a breath.

"Dinner's ready!" Caitlin yelled out.

Natalie came running into the dining room with one of her Barbie dolls. Barry caught her and lifted her into her chair. Iris smiled, Natalie did have Barry's eyes. Iris sat down in a chair as Caitlin set down the bowl of salad. Iris got first serve, then Barry served Natalie, then he served Caitlin, and then he served himself.

"Natalie, this is Aunt Iris," Barry introduced the two.

"Hi!" Natalie exclaimed.

"Hi! Who do you have there?" Iris asked, pointing to the Barbie doll.

"Ariel," Natalie told her.

"She's meeting Ariel soon, aren't you sweetheart?" Barry added on.

"Yeah!" Natalie jumped in her seat.

Everyone talked more over dinner. Iris got to know Natalie a little bit and Natalie got to know her aunt. When dinner was done Natalie hopped off her seat and brought her bowl to the kitchen. Natalie tried to put it in the sink, but wasn't tall enough, so Barry lifted her up so she could be satisfied. Iris helped clean off the table even though Caitlin and Barry insisted she didn't have to. Natalie was told to clean up her Barbies so that's what she did.

After dinner was cleaned up, Iris, Barry, and Caitlin played with Natalie. It was now that Iris learned that Natalie was a boss at playing hide-n-seek. Hide-n-seek didn't last long since Natalie has a bed time. Iris tucked her in and read her a bedtime story.

"She's so cute!" Iris whispered.

"You don't have to whisper, she's a heavy sleeper," Caitlin told Iris.

"Oh ok. What did you mean by she gets to meet Ariel soon?" Iris asked, referring to the dinner conversation they had.

"Were all going to Disney for five days to celebrate her third birthday and we promised she could meet Ariel there," Barry explained.

"Wow, did you tell dad?" Iris asked.

"No, he doesn't need to know, we aren't exactly talking," Barry tensed up.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Iris said.

They all talked for a while. It was like old times. They talked for so long that they lost track of time. When they realized it was almost midnight Iris left and they got ready for bed. Barry pulled Caitlin closer to him and the two fell fast asleep, the only thought racing through their minds was next stop Disney World. 


Dear readers,

Here's my explanation as to why I'm not updating as frequently as I used to:

I graduated 8th grade last Wednesday, so it's been parties galore. I'm going to a vocational school (look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about)  so the preparation for that is insane because I have to go to like five bazillion doctors appointments to make sure I'm eligible for sports, I have to take tests to get into honors classes, and I have to do that summer homework before I go on vacation for two weeks. My mom and dad only get so many days off of work, so they are taking off now so we've been going down the shore and doing some family activities before I go on vacation on my own. I have FanFest (It's kind of like comic con except it's for superhero shows so like actors from Flash, Arrow, Gotham, etc will be there) next weekend to make up for mine being rescheduled due to a snowstorm last January and I have to get tickets refunds and photo ops sorted out. I've also been working on Stydia fanfic to show you guys. 

If this makes you guys feel any better - I've been staying up till like 5am (and then waking up at 9am) working on each chapter so im hella tired. 

Love, the author, 

Elly :)

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