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"Basorexia; the overwhelming desire to kiss"


Rip Christina Grimmie <3 God has gained an angel  


Barry watched the necklace fall. When he heard the metal clink again the concrete and the sound of Caitlin's heels get softer, he knew it was ok to cry. He sat down where he was standing, pulled his knees closer to his chest, and buried his head into them. He wasn't sure why that had slipped out of his mouth and he wished it hadn't.

Caitlin wanted to go back, but she knew if she had things would have gotten complicated. It took her every bit of strength to go forward. Tears were falling out of her eyes like a waterfall. As she started to go over the last time they broke up the tears began to slow down, remembering the way they had come back to each other.

Barry was an idiot and he knew it. He knew he wanted Caitlin and he knew he didn't love Iris. It was that kiss, it was messing with his head. He waited a few minutes before getting up to grab his bag. The way this night was supposed to go was that he would start to get ready for staying at STAR Labs and then Caitlin would tell him he could stay over at her place and they would have a nice night in. Instead, he got ready to stay there and ended up falling asleep.

Caitlin went home that night wishing that she could curl up next to Barry as they watched Monsters University. Tonight, at home, she didn't feel safe. She felt like every noise she heard was something bad about to happen. As she was laying in bed to go to sleep she heard rain pound against her window. She was about to have a panic attack, so she went to grip her necklace, but then remembered dropping it on the floor. Panic and sad tears fell down her face as she hid under the covers. She eventually got really tired and fell asleep.

The Next Day

Caitlin woke up at her normal time. She breakfast for one person. She was pretty sure she got a few tears mixed in with the milk, but ate it anyway. This time around she was determined to not be a depressed person who locks themselves away. She was going to go to work and face Barry like a woman.

As she walked into work, she fought back tears. Caitlin thought she was alone for a minute, that was until she heard Barry snore. She jumped and looked over at the hospital bed she had once stayed in. The sight of Barry sleeping was a sight that always made her smile.

Barry was used to dark red hair in front of him whenever he woke up, but, this time, all he saw was the sunlight blinding him. He sat up and looked around. Caitlin was sitting at her desk doing her work. Hoping yesterday was a dream, Barry got out of bed and didn't bother to put on a shirt or pants.

Caitlin looked up when she heard Barry's footsteps. She wished she hadn't looked up, though. Barry's abs were her kryptonite and seeing them when they weren't a couple was torture. All she wanted to do was go up and kiss him.

The fact that Caitlin didn't run up to kiss him was assurance that yesterday wasn't a dream. He looked over at his nightstand as saw the necklace. He fought back tears and then went back to put on pants and a t-shirt.

"Don't change on my account," Caitlin said without looking up.

"So we're talking?" Barry asked.

"Why not?" Caitlin answered.

"I feel horrible about yesterday," Barry admitted.

"Don't. Take your time, but, in the end, I hope you'll come back to me," Caitlin smiled.

Seeing Caitlin smile always made Barry smile. Her smile could light up a room. Her smile gave Barry a major case of the feels.

"Barry, we need you down at the station," Joe announced as he walked into the cortex.

Barry nodded and then the two walked out.

Barry helped the captain figure out a case. There was a robbery at Mercury Labs. The suspect had appeared to be trying to get the tachyon device. Barry realized that STAR Labs now had the device.

"STAR Labs has the device," Barry stumbled. "Caitlin's there!" Barry realized.

He walked towards the elevator and anxiously waited for it to go down so he could use his speed to run to her.

"Why is his girlfriend at STAR Labs?" Captain Singh asked.

Barry arrived at STAR Labs to find Caitlin at gunpoint. The gunman was trying to get information out of Caitlin, but she wouldn't talk. The clicking of the gunman readying the bullet scared Barry, so he ran. He tackled the gunman and took his gun before running him to the police station.

Barry decided not to answer questions. He ran back to STAR Labs to check on Caitlin.

"I had that handled," Caitlin seemed annoyed.

"If you had gotten hurt I would be devastated," Barry told her, "and if you had died, I would have gone out of my freaking mind" (Holla to my Stydia fam)

"But I didn't. I didn't need your help so please just leave," Caitlin whispered.

Barry grabbed her arm and spun her around. He didn't hesitate to kiss her and she didn't hesitate to kiss back. Their lips were like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. Their kiss started to get heated. Caitlin took off Barry's shirt and he returned the favor by taking off her shirt. Things were about to go places, but then Cisco walked in.

"Oh God! Get a room!" Cisco shielded his eyes.

"Ok," Barry shrugged.

He picked up Caitlin bridal style and ran her to her house, leaving their shirts behind. The two entered her bedroom and finished what they started ;)


Dear readers,

I couldn't keep them apart :)

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Love, the author,

Elly :)

Bulletproof // SnowbarryOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara