Bonus Chapter

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"Mom, Dad, Aunt Iris and I are going shopping!" Natalie yelled throughout their house.

"Ok, have fun, but remember no boys," Barry affirmed as he walked into Natalie's view.

"I'm a freshman in high school, dad, having a boyfriend at this time in my life is inevitable," Natalie sighed as she secretly hoped to meet a cute guy at the mall.

"She has a point, Bare," Caitlin came out with twenty dollars in her hand, "Have fun!"

"Thank you," Natalie smiled at Caitlin, making Barry roll his eyes.

Natalie took the twenty dollars, shoved it in her purse, and walked out the door. Iris was already parked in the driveway, waiting for Natalie to come out.

"Okay, I'm ready!" Natalie exclaimed happily.

"Let's go then!" Iris smiled, putting the car in reverse.

"You know, I could always sleep over your house and we could have a girls weekend," Natalie suggested as she watched the house go by out the window.

"Well, first of all, Uncle Cisco would be there," Iris started, but was cut off by Natalie.

"Uncle Cisco will cry when we watch The Notebook, I'm sure he'd be a lovely addition to girls weekend," Natalie laughed.

"Second of all," Iris continued, "It's your grandpa's birthday tomorrow, so Uncle Wally, Uncle Cisco, and I will be at his house."

"Why don't Dad and Mom go?" Natalie asked curiously.

"That's a long story for another time," Iris sighed.

"Can I go?" Natalie asked, thinking that it would give her something to do.

"Your dad would never let you," Iris shook her head.

"Then you could take me and just say that you're taking me to the movies or something," Natalie suggested.

"Fine, but do not tell your parents," Iris stressed.

"Yes!" Natalie celebrated, "Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah, let's just go shopping," Iris rolled her eyes as she parked the car.


The next day, Natalie was up and ready at least ten minutes before Iris was coming to pick her up. In order to kill time, she chewed on a granola bar that could satisfy her hunger until dinner. As she threw away the wrapper, Iris honked the car horn to signal she was here. Natalie grabbed her purse and walked out the door.

"Hey Aunt Iris, hey Uncle Cisco!" Natalie smiled as she got into the car.

"Buckle up kiddo," Cisco told her as he pulled out of the driveway.

Natalie did as he said and buckled herself. The drive was mostly silence except for a few choice words Cisco had for some of the other drivers. The drive was enough time for Natalie to build up some nerves. She had never met the man before, for all she know he could be a crazy old guy. Another thing that made her uneasy was the fact that her dad doesn't like him. It's very rare that her dad hates someone unless they're a truly bad person.

"We're here," Cisco announced, pulling into the driveway of a small house.

Natalie took a deep breath in as she followed everyone out of the car. She closed the door and took a good look at the house. Iris went up first, Cisco following behind her.

"Nat, can you lock the car?" Cisco asked, throwing Natalie the keys.

Natalie nodded and hit the lock button. She slowly walked up, but then stopped. She had forgotten her purse. Natalie unlocked the car again and grabbed her purse. She slung the purse over her should as she hit the lock button again.

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