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"Deep down I'm still confused about you"

The plus sign on the stick made Caitlin uneasy. The only thoughts running through her head were how she would tell Barry. She needed advice on this but the two girls she would normally go to were unavailable. She would have gone to Jesse, but she's living on Earth 2 with Harry. The other girl she would have gone to was Iris, but that is, well, complicated. Just as she was starting to panic she remembered a blonde haired girl with glasses, Felicity. She picked up the phone and called Felicity.

"Get to my house as fast as you can," Caitlin demanded.

Caitlin didn't give Felicity a chance to talk, she just hung up. She heard the doorbell ring only a few seconds after hanging up. Knowing it couldn't be Felicity just yet, Caitlin hid the stick in a drawer and then went to answer the door.

"Are you ok? You called in sick and didn't answer any of my texts," Barry asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just Felicity is coming out to have a girls weekend and I didn't want you and Cisco to steal her away from me," Caitlin stretched the truth.

"Oh, ok then. I'm glad you're ok. I talked to Iris by the way. Everything is settled there, nothing is going on between me and her and I don't have feelings for her. That kiss just messed me up. So, I was hoping, you would take me back," Barry explained, nervously.

"I would, but I have some personal things to work out before I can be in a relationship. It's nothing major, I promise, I just need some time to clear my head hence the girls weekend," Caitlin lied.

"Oh ok," Barry's tone went from happy to sad in a split second.

'Yeah, sorry. Um, bye!" Caitlin pushed Barry out the door.

It was only an hour after that Felicity arrived and when she did Caitlin was extremely grateful.

"Ok, what's going on?" Felicity asked as she entered. Caitlin handed her the stick as she bit her lip. Felicity's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. "Who's the father?" Felicity asked.

"The father is... um.... He is," Caitlin stuttered.

"Come on!" Felicity shouted anxiously.

"Barry!" Caitlin sighed.

"Since when are you two a thing? Or did you do a one time thing? Please clarify," Felicity questioned.

Caitlin explained the complications of her and Barry's relationship to Felicity.

"Wow, that's more complicated than me and Oliver," Felicity said in utter shock. "Did you tell Barry yet?" Felicity asked.

"No and I'm not going to tell him, it could ruin his career as the Flash and I can't take that away from him," Caitlin explained. "plus we aren't even together."

"How are you going to hide the bump once it gets bigger?" Felicity asked.

"I'll figure that out once it becomes a problem, just don't tell him!" Caitlin pleaded.

Felicity nodded and the two best friends hung out for the day. They watched a series of movies, had girl talks, and ate whatever food they pleased. It was the perfect girls day and just what Caitlin needed. Towards the end of the night, they even decided to do mani pedis. Felicity was just enough to get Caitlin's mind off Barry.

Barry was confused. He lay in his bed looking up at the blank ceiling. The female mind seemed to be a lot more confusing than he thought. Caitlin wanted Barry back and now she doesn't, this logic made absolutely no sense, at least to Barry. He went over all the possibilities of what Caitlin could be dealing with, but never once did pregnancy cross his mind.

Barry's phone rang, breaking his thoughts away from Caitlin. He checked his phone, there was a text from Cisco about a fire at an apartment building. Caitlin got the same text, breaking her and Felicity away from drying their newly painted nails. Caitlin and Felicity got in the car as Barry was running to STAR Labs to get his suit. Thankfully, STAR Labs is close to Caitlin's house, so it didn't take long for her to get there.

When Barry was finished with his job as the Flash, he went back to STAR Labs. Caitlin was waiting with Felicity and Cisco. Barry could tell something was bothering Caitlin by the way she was biting her lower lip.

"Are you ok?" Barry asked as he put his hand on her Caitlin shoulder.

Caitlin quickly shook his hand off and nodded. Knowing this meant she wasn't ok he whispered, "Meet me outside after we're done here."

The team decided after a while that there work was done for the night, so Cisco left with Felicity to wait with her for Caitlin.

This moment was nerve racking for Caitlin and for Barry. Caitlin had no idea what Barry was going to talk about and Barry wasn't sure how Caitlin would react to what he was about to say.

"I know everything was screwed up before and I thought you wanted to get back together. I still love you and if something is bothering you I want to help you find a way to resolve whatever issue this is," Barry said in a calm, smooth voice. Caitlin said nothing in return. The two were standing alone for a few minutes in silence. "So?" Barry asked.

Caitlin still said nothing. Instead, she pulled Barry in for a kiss. As much as she wanted to get back together with him, she knew she couldn't. "I'm sorry Barry, but it's still a no," Caitlin told Barry as she walked away. 


Dear readers,

I just had 8th grade awards night and now I'm starving. Anyways, I had time to update and I hope y'all like it. 

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Love, the author,

Elly :)

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