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"Family is forever no matter what"


Caitlin somehow managed to get up after not getting enough sleep, but when she woke up Barry was gone. Normally he is drinking coffee looking off into the distance when Caitlin comes out to the kitchen, but today there was nothing but a yellow sticky note on the island.


Out to buy Natalie's presents. She's still sleeping. I'll be back soon. Love you!


Caitlin sighed as she threw away the note. She made herself some coffee and watched the news quietly so she didn't wake up Natalie. The story on interested her or maybe it just proved how wrong the news is and that's what interested her about it.

"The Flash has been missing for almost a week now. The question is where has he been?" A news anchor on the tv asked the audience.

"In Disney World, where else would he be?" Caitlin rolled her eyes.

Natalie came running into the living room as if she had been up for hours. Caitlin turned off the tv and got up to pour her daughter cereal. Barry came in as Natalie was eating with a few bags and quickly hid them away. Thankfully his bitterness had gone away by the time he was home. He sat down next to his daughter as he pondered what to do that do.


Yesterday might have been a nice relaxing day with wrapping presents at the end of it but today would be not even close to relaxing. Barry had gotten the balloons and streamers up by the time Caitlin was finished with her cereal. Caitlin set out the presents on the coffee table and woke up Natalie.

"Can I open one present now?" Natalie begged as she finished up her breakfast.

"Can't she open one?" Barry mocked.

"Fine, pick one," Caitlin gave in.

Natalie chose the smallest one and opened it up. It was a Disney princess charm bracelet. Of course, it was a little big but she was satisfied. She went straight to her room after giving the bracelet a look over and showed it to her Ariel doll and her Sofia the First doll. Caitlin watched and laughed a little as Natalie had a full on conversation with her two dolls. She was worried about Barry doing the gift shopping but now she knew it was the right decision.

It wasn't until a little bit after noon that people started to show up. First was Cisco and then Wally. Wally told them that Iris would be late since work called for an emergency meeting earlier that morning. When the two guests arrived Natalie wouldn't stop showing off her "fancy" bracelet. The guests sat down with her and gave her their presents.

Iris was rushing to get ready. She had the present and her sweatshirt ready but she couldn't find her keys. They weren't on the kitchen counter or the table or in her purse. Joe came out of nowhere and held up her keys. Iris reached to grab them but Joe pulled them away.

"Tell me where you're going and I'll give your keys back," Joe told her.

"Natalie's birthday party. Give em," Iris demanded with her hand out.

Joe set the keys in her hand and frowned, "Ok."

Iris rolled her eyes and left the house.

Wally had given Natalie one of the Ariel tea sets and Cisco had given her The Little Mermaid 2 and 3 since she didn't have them according to Barry. Natalie's eyes went wide for a few seconds as she stared, in awe, at the new dvds. She set them down though and grabbed her new tea set.

"Who wants to have a tea party?" Natalie asked, unzipping the case.

"Me!" Cisco and Wally said at the same time.

Natalie gave them each a cup and then pour some "tea" into the cups. Wally propped his pinky finger out and took a sip. Iris came at this moment. Barry opened the door and Iris saw the tea party.

"Give me some tea too! Please," Iris added at the last second.

"Same here!" Caitlin raised her hand up.

"I would love some tea too!" Barry walked over and sat down.

Natalie set out a place for the new members of the party. They all had a few sips of "tea" before Barry got up and took his phone out for a picture.

"Everyone say cheese!" Barry told them.

Everyone put the tea cups up to their mouth and made it seem like they were drinking it. Since Barry has super speed he ran in and posed for the picture along with them. The picture came out surprisingly well. Natalie wasn't too happy with the picture break so they quickly got back to their tea party.

After the tea party they all watched the first Little Mermaid as they waited for dinner time to arrive. Natalie and Barry sang along to most of the songs as everyone listened or laughed. Just as the credits began to roll the doorbell rang. Pizza is here!

Everyone sat around the table and waited for their slice of pizza. Barry handed out each slice one by one before joining the group. Dinner was nice. Natalie opened her present from Iris after she finished as she waited for everyone else to finish. Iris had gotten her a Barbie car that came with two Barbie dolls. Natalie was super pleased with this. Caitlin knew this would be put to good use since, along with The Little Mermaid, Natalie is obsessed with Barbie's.

Not too long after dinner they did ice cream. Natalie is not a fan of cake but ice cream was a different story so they did a build your own sundae buffet. Natalie had a little help from Caitlin but otherwise everyone got their own serving before sitting down.

No birthday ice cream is completed without lighting the candles and singing happy birthday so Barry stuck three candles in a brownie and turned off the lights. The light of the three candles was the only thing keeping everyone from singing in complete darkness.

"Make a wish!" Barry cheered as he walked over to the light switch.

As the candles went out, Barry turned on the lights. Everyone ate their ice cream as they talked. Dessert was the last thing on the list of things to do. It wasn't super late after ice cream was finished but Natalie does have a bedtime.

Everyone left shortly after finishing up the ice cream. Natalie opened the three other presents from her parents. Two of the presents were the Flounder and Sebastian stuffed animals which Natalie appreciated. The last present was a DS with two games, a Tangled game and a Little Mermaid game. As much as Natalie wanted to play it now, Barry told her they would set it up tomorrow since it was late.

Natalie took a bath before heading to bed. Barry and Caitlin were stuck putting away the dvds, the Barbies, and the tea set. They also had to throw out the trash that had been left behind. After the chores were done, Caitlin and Barry sat down on the couch and talked.

"You have to talk to Joe," Caitlin reminded Barry.

"I should, but he doesn't want anything to do with us so I don't want anything to do with him," Barry sighed.

"Ok, fine don't talk to him," Caitlin mumbled.

"That was my plan all along," Barry whispered as he got up for bed.


Dear readers, 

Ending this at chapter 50 :( 

Don't worry, though, I'll come out with a new fanfic! Comment down below what fanfic you want me to write. I can do another SnowBarry fanfic or I can do another ship as long as I'm familiar with it so COMMENT!!

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Love, the author,

Elly :)

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