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"If there ever comes a day where we can't be together, keep me in your heart. I'll stay there forever"

Caitlin rubbed her eyes and then saw the picture clearly, her friends remembered her birthday. She smiled and then limped over to the middle of the cortex. Barry stood up and rolled his chair over to her. She sat down to try an avoid the pain. Cisco walked over and handed her a brush and a mint to get ready for the party she was about to have. She laughed a little but then threw the mint into her mouth and began brushing her hair.

Her group hadn't forgotten about the most important meal of the day. There was only Froot Loops because it was the most colorful cereal the team could find. The team was all reminiscing about the fun times they had together as they ate their bowls of cereal. Caitlin was putting her empty bowl on the table when she saw the most horrific thing, a karaoke machine.

"Barry, did you get that?" Caitlin asked as she pointed to the machine.

"No! Why would Barry get that?" Cisco asked.

Barry and Caitlin looked at each other, making the others uncomfortable. "Did you get it Cisco?" Caitlin asked.

"Of course! I figured out that we never did karaoke together, so, I thought it would be fun," Cisco exclaimed. Barry and Caitlin looked at each other again. "Is there something we should know about?" Cisco raised an eyebrow.

The couple broke their gaze and then shook their heads. "Ok. Should we start?" Iris asked.

Everyone cheered except for Caitlin. Iris went first. She sang Shake it Off by Taylor Swift. It was fun for Caitlin to watch but she never wanted to sing in front of anyone but Barry and strangers. Joe went next. He sang Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen. Cisco went after Joe. He sang Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder. Wally decided not to go so it was Barry next. Barry sang Glad You Came by The Wanted (Holla to all my Gleeks out there).

"Your turn Caitlin!" Cisco told her.

"I'm good," Caitlin told them.

"You sure?" Barry asked knowing how much Caitlin enjoyed karaoke when they went. "What about a duet?" Barry asked.

"I'm good," Caitlin assured him.

The gang, besides Caitlin, sang a little longer before Barry had to run and pick up Caitlin's cake. Caitlin and the others all talked while they waited for Barry. Barry only took a few minutes thanks to his superspeed.

"Are you all ready for some cake?" Barry asked as he ran into the cortex.

Barry lit the candles as Cisco turned off all the lights. All of Team Flash began to sing Happy Birthday as Caitlin blushed. After the song, Cisco turned on the lights and Barry handed out slices of cake to everyone. Everyone talked and laughed as they ate their slices.

When the majority of everyone was finished Iris asked, "Present time?"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

Joe gave Caitlin his present. Caitlin tore through the lavender wrapping paper after reading the card. Joe had given her a candid picture he had taken of the three as they worked on finding a metahuman. Caitlin gave him a hug to thank him and then was given her present from Iris. She tore through the same lavender wrapping paper to reveal a red t-shirt that read I'm a part of the original team Flash on it. Caitlin chuckled quietly and then thanked her. Next was Wally. Caitlin tore through the familiar lavender wrapping paper to find a gift box. Inside the box was some makeup.

"Sorry, I didn't really know what to get you," Wally explained.

"I love it! Thank you!" Caitlin thanked Wally as she looked through the different kinds of makeup.

Next was Cisco's present. Caitlin unwrapped the double layered white wrapping paper, it was another picture. The picture made her cry a single tear, it was her and Ronnie a few days before he had gone into the particle accelerator. She thanked him by giving him a hug. The last present on the table wa the bag that Barry had put on the table. She went to grab it, but was stopped by Barry.

"Can we do my present later?" Barry asked.

Caitlin nodded, a little confused. The others were a little confused as well, but they decided to continue the party. The rest of the night they talked and had a good time.

Everyone but Barry and Caitlin had left by midnight. Barry cleaned up the trash that hadn't made it to the garbage can as Caitlin limped over to her bed. When Barry had finished cleaning up he went over to Caitlin's bed with his present to her.

"I know it's technically not your birthday anymore but I thought this would be a lot sweeter in private," Barry explained as he handed her the bag.

Caitlin opened the card and read all the sweet words he had written to her before going to the present. She ripped the blue tissue paper out of the pink bag before getting to the box. The box was a little too big to be a ring which was a relief to Caitlin. She opened the box and revealed the gold necklace. A smile formed on her face as she looked at it. She took it out of the box and handed it over to Barry. Caitlin held her hair up.

"This necklace shows that even when we're apart we'll still be together. It will protect you in times when it takes a little longer for me to find you. It can be your symbol of hope," Barry put the necklace around her neck and clasped it.

Caitlin let down her hair and turned around to kiss Barry. The kiss got a little more heated than their other ones but never went anywhere. When the two broke apart Caitlin whispered, "Thank you, I love it."

Barry hugged her and then got up off her bed to let her change into her pajamas and get ready for bed. While Caitlin did that, Barry ran home to Joe's and used his speed to get ready for bed, change into sweatpants and an old t-shirt, and pack some clothes for tomorrow and other necessities.

When Barry arrived back at STAR Labs Caitlin was already in bed sound asleep. He noticed the necklace was still around her neck. Barry put his duffle bag under Caitlin's desk and then sat in a chair next to her bed. He was extremely tired by the end of the night and ended up falling asleep.


Dear readers,

I'm really sorry about not updating but my sister leaves tomorrow so I should be back on doing a couple chapters a day by Wednesday. Anyways, sorry about the filler chapters, but, trust me, next chapter will be action packed! I will probably update tomorrow night after I drop my sister off at the airport. 

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Love, the author, 

Elly :) 

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