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"Let faith be bigger than your fears"

Barry had never said the words out loud. It sounded a little weird he has to get used to it. Joe thought he was kidding at first, but the blank expression on his face told him otherwise. He looked down the picture of the beautiful little girl and took a good look.

"Who did you knock up?" Joe asked in a harsh tone.

Barry was taken aback. The way Joe had said it was nothing Barry had ever heard before. The tone in Joe's voice made Barry's tone go into fight mode. He was ready to defend Caitlin and Natalie with his life.

"Caitlin. Why does it matter?" Barry asked in a harsher tone than Joe.

"Why does it matter? Why do you think it matters Barry? You are not ready for this responsibility!" Joe was shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Who are you to judge whether I'm responsible enough?" Barry was screaming at the top of his lungs now.

It was at this moment that Wally opened the door and stepped in. After hearing the yelling going on he made the decision to wait outside until he heard a door slam.

"You might be able to be the Flash, but being a father is a completely different kind of a responsibility!" Joe shouted. "Is this why Caitlin left?"

"Yes it is, but I didn't even know so as much as you want to push this on me too!"

"You're the one who had sex with her!"

"It wasn't all me!"

"Get out! Now!"

Barry rolled his eyes. He went out the front door and slammed it shut. He ran to STAR Labs to be alone. The fury in him made him run faster and faster. He ran into STAR Labs and then supersonic punched the wall upon his entry, making the alarms go off.

It wasn't long before Cisco arrived. His jaw dropped at the sight of the hole in the wall. Barry stood next to it with a guilty look on his face.

"What the hell did you do!" Cisco asked in awe.

"Joe and I got into a fight over Natalie and I was really mad so I kinda sorta supersonic punched the wall and now I think my hand is broken," Barry held his right hand in his left.

"I'll call Caitlin and a wall repair company," Cisco sighed.

Cisco called Caitlin but waited to call the repair company until they had a logical reason for the hole in the wall. Caitlin was coming, of course.

"Ok let's make this quick, Natalie is downstairs being occupied by the Flash and Arrow action figures I brought for her," Caitlin said as she walked towards Barry.

"Why don't you just bring her up?" Barry asked.

"Because I don't want her to meet her dad for the first time at a hospital," Caitlin explained.

Caitlin took an x-ray to confirm the break and then put Barry's hand in a cast.

"Come over after your hand heals and you can meet Natalie over dinner," Caitlin whispered.

Barry nodded and then gave her a kiss on the lips. Caitlin started to walk out when Barry remembered something. "Oh! Cait, look at your desk. I got you a welcome home present," Barry told her.

Caitlin went over to her desk and found a small wrapped gift on her desk. She took the present and ripped it open. There were a few objects, but Caitlin had no idea what they were.

"They're paperweights," Barry smiled.

"Thank you!" Caitlin thanked him.

She put each paperweight on a stack of papers and then ran up to Barry to give him a hug. He couldn't really hug back with his broken hand and all but he still tried. Caitlin grabbed her purse on the way out.

Later that night, Barry's hand had healed, thanks to the speed force, so he went over to Caitlin's. He was super nervous. He stood at the front door and tried to get up the courage to knock. He worked up the courage and lightly knocked on the door.

Caitlin opened it and smiled. "She's inside."Barry stepped in and saw a little girl sitting on the couch watching whatever was on Disney Junior. "Nat, I have someone I'd like you to meet," Caitlin called Natalie over. The little girl got up and walked quickly over to her mom.

"Hi Natalie. I'm your dad," Barry smiled. 


Dear readers,

Sorry the chapters are super short, but they need to end a certain way so yeah. Comment down below how you think the dinner is going to go!

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Love, the author,

Elly :)

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