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"People change, memories don't"

Nine Months Later

Nine months since Caitlin left and Barry was still a mess. He was a little more put together than he was eight months ago, but some pieces were still missing. He carried on with his life, being a CSI and the Flash, as did everyone else. Sure everyone missed Caitlin, but life had to go on.

She never contacted anyone, not even Barry. She did contact Felicity a few times, but she knew about the secret, so she was an exception. Caitlin would lay awake at night some nights and ask why, but she would look down at her stomach and then remember it was for the best. She didn't want to know what the gender was until she had the baby, so she had a blue onesie and a pink onesie along with a few other essentials in a hospital bag next to her bed.

That hospital bag was still next to her bed, but not her bedroom bed, her hospital bed. Just one more push, Caitlin thought. That one last push of motivation was just what she needed. Caitlin was still tense. The baby let out a cry as the doctors took her away to clean him or her off. Caitlin wouldn't let herself relax, even though her muscles were crying almost as loud as the baby until she knew her baby was ok.

"Here's your baby girl," The doctor said softly.

Caitlin sighed and relaxed. The doctor handed Caitlin a soft, baby pink, blanket that was keeping the baby warm. Caitlin smiled down at her baby's beautiful green eyes, just like her dad's. Caitlin smiled and the baby smiled back at her, causing Caitlin to let out a soft, quiet, laugh. The baby wrapped her small hand around Caitlin's finger as Caitlin shed a few tears of joy.

Felicity burst through the door as quietly as possible. Caitlin looked up and put her index finger over mouth to shush her then quickly looked back down at the unnamed baby.

"This is your aunt Felicity," Caitlin whispered as she handed her over to Felicity.

"She has Barry's eyes," Felicity didn't look up, "Any names in mind?"

"Either Adelyn or Natalie," Caitlin whispered looking at her new daughter's face.

"How about Natalie Adelyn Snow or Adelyn Natalie Snow," Felicity suggested.

"I like Natalie Adelyn Snow," Caitlin whispered as she made funny faces at Natalie.

Barry was oblivious to everything going on in Caitlin's world. It was a normal day for him, Cisco was bugging him to try dating again, Joe tried to cheer him up, and Iris was constantly pushing herself towards Barry's heart or the pieces of his heart. Barry was done with everyone, he needed to hear a voice he hadn't heard in a long time. Of course, he wished he could call Caitlin, but she never replied so he stopped trying, instead he decided to call Felicity.

Felicity was rocking Natalie while Caitlin tried to sleep for a little bit when she felt her phone vibrate. She carefully took it out of her pocket, but when she saw the caller she wasn't sure if she should answer. She knew Caitlin wouldn't approve, but oh well, she clicked answer and held up her phone to her ear using her shoulder and ear so she could continue to rock Natalie.

"Felicity! Hey, have you heard from Caitlin lately?" Barry was kicking himself, he wasn't supposed to mention Caitlin.

"Yeah, why?" Felicity whispered since Natalie was falling asleep.

"Well, I just haven't heard from her at all. Why are you whispering?" Barry whispered.

"No reason, just go with it. She's fine, she's doing really well," Felicity assured, still whispering.

"Ok good, can you tell her to call me?" Barry was still kicking himself.

"Sure, I have to go, bye Barry," Felicity whispered as she hung up.

Natalie fell asleep, so Felicity set her in the crib the hospital had in the room. Caitlin was waking up.

"Barry wants you to call him. I suggest you do," Felicity informed Caitlin.

"Why not?" Caitlin shrugged.

She picked up the phone and dialed Barry's number, she still had it memorized. She hesitated slightly before pressing call, but she pressed it anyways.

"Caitlin?" Barry asked when the two lines connected.

Caitlin had missed the softness of his voice. "Hey," She calmly replied with a smile.

Caitlin sat crisscrossed on the hospital bed. Barry sat crisscrossed on a chair in STAR Labs. Hearing each other's voices in something other than a dream was like heaven to the two.

"Oh my god," Barry sighed, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," Caitlin didn't want to elaborate, she wanted to hear his voice.

"Are you going to come visit, I miss you so much," Barry had a calm voice.

"No, I'm sorry. How are you? Any girls in your life?" Caitlin asked.

"I'm ok, now I'm amazing. No girls except Iris, but we aren't together. What about you?" Barry replied.

"I'm good, now I'm amazing," Caitlin copied.

"I gotta go, I'll call you later!" Barry suddenly became frantic.

Caitlin could hear a metahuman alert go off in the background. She hung up and sat back against the headboard. The calming voice of Barry stuck like glue in Caitlin's mind. She was daydreaming about him. She watched how she imagined Barry would play with Natalie and she watched how she imagined Barry would propose. She fantasized their wedding and the cake they would have there.

The doctors came into the room, waking up Natalie. They took her to do more tests for diseases and that type of stuff. Caitlin and Felicity walked down to the cafeteria for lunch as they did this.

The tests were done a few minutes after they had gotten back up to the room. The doctors came in, one held Natalie and the other a box. The box scared Caitlin to death. She held Natalie as the doctors started to talk.

"It's nothing too bad. Natalie has a mild form of asthma. She'll need an inhaler, that's what this box is, but it won't be too serious," The doctor informed Caitlin in a calming manner.

Caitlin nodded and allowed the doctors to show her the proper way to use an inhaler as Felicity watched since she now was the official godmother of Natalie. The inhaler stuff didn't seem too challenging to Caitlin, after all, she had taken care of Barry's every injury.

A Few Days Later

Natalie and Caitlin entered the nursery for the first time together. Natalie was sound asleep, so Caitlin set her down in the crib. Caitlin sat in the rocking chair and rocked slowly back and forth. Then she noticed something, an unopened box. Curious, Caitlin got up and checked out the box hiding behind the crib. It was a small, almost flat box.

Caitlin carefully opened the box. Inside was a fake rose, Barry's jacket she had accidentally taken that one night at the park and a CD that's title was Our Songs. She looked at the playlist, there were only two songs.

1. Summer Nights

2. Give Your Heart a Break

Let's add some more songs soon ~ Barry

She played one, quietly, it was all Barry singing. The sound of his voice gliding smoothly over the notes was enough to make Caitlin homesick. 


Dear readers,

Why not another chapter? So the next chapter will be 2 years in the future, sorry about the time skipping but it's necessary to move the story along. 

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Follow me on Instagram - flash.xoxo

Love, the author, 

Elly :)

Bulletproof // Snowbarryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें