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"Just because I let you go, doesn't mean I wanted to"


Remember Iris doesn't know about Caitlin and Barry - the author 


"I...." Caitlin began, "I do." Cisco smiled. They both wanted to be back together but they didn't want to confront each other about it. "But, I don't want to be in fear that he's going to die every moment of my life," Caitlin sighed.

"Well, You can't stay like this forever," Cisco mentioned.

"I know. I want to go back to work, but I'm just worried that whenever I see him I'm just going to fall apart," Caitlin explained.

"You didn't fall apart today from what I heard," Cisco pointed out.

"I acted like a total jerk. I was being a smart*ss," Caitlin mumbled.

"Ok, I'll tell you what," Cisco stood up, "come back to work tomorrow, but don't wear that." Cisco pointed to the necklace around her necklace.

"But..." Caitlin looked down at her necklace and began to play with the charm.

"See you tomorrow!" Cisco interrupted her and the walked out her door.

The Next Day

Barry had barely slept. He replayed the kiss in his mind over and over. He replayed the way she looked at him that day, the way she looked. He replayed every single moment up until his alarm rang. He pressed the snooze button and then used his speed to do his daily routine.

At breakfast Iris was more silent than normal, Wally was silent the entire time to avoid the drama, and Joe seemed a little weird as if he knew what had happened yesterday. The truth is, he probably was there to investigate the robbery. Barry pretty much knew he was going to get a lecture as soon as he put his breakfast bowl in the sink.

Just as he had thought, Joe walked up to Barry after he put his bowl in the sink.

"I saw what happened at Caitlin's house yesterday," Joe whispered, trying to make sure Iris didn't hear.

"I'm ready for the lecture," Barry admitted.

"No lecture this time. It was so adorable! All the cops who saw were surprised you had a girlfriend," Joe laughed.

"Technically I don't," Barry corrected him.

"But you did," Joe went on without realizing what he had just said.

"Low blow," Barry dropped his head and then ran to STAR Labs.

Barry and Cisco sat in the cortex for a while. Cisco was anxious. He had been tapping his foot repeatedly for over an hour and constantly looking at the entrance to the cortex. Barry was suspicious but didn't want to ask because if Cisco wanted to him to know anything he would have said something. Maybe it's a surprise party for me. It's not my birthday, though, but a surprise party is always nice, Barry thought. Then he heard heels clicking in the hallway. Thinking it was Iris he didn't turn around automatically, but then the clicking got closer and he got curious. The clicking stopped when the person with the heels entered the cortex. Barry saw Cisco's smile spread across his face, so he had to turn around.

"Caitlin?" Barry didn't dare to call her Cait.

Barry stood up to give her her seat back. She set her purse under the desk and then began to type. Barry stared at her, there was something different. It wasn't her hair or her clothes. It was like something was missing. Her necklace. Barry bit his lip to try not to cry. Caitlin stole a glance at him and saw him biting his lip. She bit her lip too because it was bothering her to see Barry trying not to cry.

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