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"Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today, but eventually"

When the two woke up later that day, they were both confused as to what happened. Caitlin had two missed calls from Cisco and Barry had three missed calls from Joe. Before saying anything to each other, they called Joe and Cisco back. There wasn't any emergency, the two callers just wanted to know where they were. Caitlin didn't have to lie to Cisco, he already knew what had happened. Barry, however, did lie to Joe. He told him that they were out working through some things.

It wasn't until the calls ended and they were alone, but together. Caitlin was in her bra and underwear and Barry was in his boxers, so things were a little awkward.

"So," Caitlin broke the silence, "are we back together?"

"If you want to be, I don't really know," Barry said, awkwardly.

"I think you still need some time to work things out with Iris, so um, I guess not," Caitlin didn't want to say it, but she felt that they had to get back together when feelings were figured out.

"Ok, yeah. I'll just, um, go," Barry ran out, taking his clothes with him.

He grabbed a new shirt from home, before heading back to STAR Labs. When he arrived, Cisco was there, greeting him with a smile.

"I'm all for you guys doing that, but please not in a place of work," Cisco begged.

"Sorry dude," Barry apologized.

"So, you guys are pretty far into your relationship?" Cisco smiled.

"We aren't dating," Barry clarified.

"But you just," Cisco was confused.

Barry nodded, "I have to go talk to Iris."

Barry ran off. He went to the West house. He wanted Caitlin back, but the only way to do that was to get Iris out of his life.

"I need to talk to you," Barry informed Iris.

"Ok, go ahead," Iris had a smile on her face, hoping this was going to go her way.

"I want Caitlin back," Barry started, "and the only way to do that is if I clarify something now. I don't have those feelings for you anymore. Please don't kiss me to confuse me because I know for a fact that those feelings I have are for Caitlin. Please stop trying to get me back."

Iris was in shock. She was absolutely speechless. Since she couldn't get the words to come out of her mouth Barry assumed she had nothing to say, so he ran back to STAR Labs and hung out with Cisco the rest of the day.

The Next Day

When Caitlin woke up she felt sick to her stomach. She made a run for the bathroom and threw up. When she was finished, she made herself some breakfast, but after she ate, she ended up going back to the bathroom to throw up.

She called Cisco to tell him she was sick and wouldn't show up at work. For a while, she thought she was actually sick, but then she remembered yesterday. Her eyes went wide and she decided to get dressed.

She got ready for going out. She didn't put as much effort in as she normally does, she threw on leggings and a t-shirt and brushed through her hair. She grabbed a few paper bags just in case she felt the need to throw up on the car ride to Walgreens.

She drove a little slower than normal. In fact, she did everything slower. Was it a form of procrastination? She wasn't sure. She went to the back of the store to the health section and tried to find the correct aisle to go down. When she couldn't find it she went up and down each aisle slowly. It happened to be on the last aisle she went down, just her luck.

She looked at the sign she had failed to notice before it read, Pregnancy Tests. Caitlin looked carefully at different choices and went with the simplest choice there was. She hid the item under her arm just in case she happen to see someone she knew.

The cashier seemed to not care about the product Caitlin was about to buy, but, for Caitlin, this product would determine her and Barry's future. Caitlin paid and then walked back to her car.

Caitlin was shaking the whole way home. She didn't want to know the results. She felt she should all Barry, but decided not to do that until she got the results. Pulling into the driveway almost gave Caitlin a panic attack.

She took the pregnancy test inside and went to the bathroom. She went through the steps that were in the instructions. She peed on the stick and then set in on the windowsill. Why she put it on the windowsill was unknown to her. Caitlin set a timer on her phone and watched the news as she anxiously waited.

She was in the middle of a news story about how the Flash had saved a family from a house fire when the timer went off. She nearly jumped when it went off. Caitlin walked, shakily, over to the windowsill. She had to wait a few seconds before picking it up so she could get some courage. When she was filled with enough courage, Caitlin picked up the stick and looked at the results. 


Dear readers,

Comment down below what you want the results to be!!!!

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Love, the author, 

Elly :)

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