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"Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever"

It was the last full day at Disney. Tomorrow would be a half day at Disney and then going to the airport to fly home. Today is Hollywood Studios. Barry and Caitlin were especially excited for this because they wanted to go on the Tower of Terror and Rock N Roller Coaster. Last night as Caitlin carried Natalie into the hotel she found a "daycare" where the kids play games while parents get time to themselves. (Disclaimer: This is not true for the Disney World hotels, at least I don't think so, but they do have it on Disney Cruises)

Barry and Caitlin dropped off an excited Natalie off at the daycare place before heading to Disney World for themselves. They wore their Minnie and Mickey ears and looked like a cute couple. They walked into the park, hand in hand.

Iris and Cisco both woke up with massive hangovers. Thankfully they were both in separate beds and fully clothed when they woke up. When they both realized where they were and what happened the last night they both sort of just laughed.

They decided to meet up at Jitters after they went home and changed. Iris put on comfy jeans and plain yellow t-shirt with sunglasses to shade her eyes from the sun. Cisco wore his everyday outfit, a Star Wars shirt and jeans.

"Are you ready for this?" Barry asked Caitlin, referring to the rides.

"Probably not, but let's do it anyway!" Caitlin cheered.

They walked straight for Rock N Roller Coaster. The line was pretty long despite the park only opening an hour ago. Caitlin was antsy and a little scared, but Barry was pretty chill. He had done plenty of rides by himself on this trip so he was prepared.

The line moved pretty fast through the really cool waiting area and soon enough they were on the ride. Caitlin didn't want to sit on the front and Barry respected that so they sat in the middle. It took a few seconds before the ride actually started but when it did all Barry could hear was the ear piercing sound of Caitlin screaming.

Barry had a lot of fun on it while Caitlin was terrified. She had already promised Barry she would do Tower of Terror but she wasn't sure if she could survive it. When they got off Caitlin was still shaking in fear.

Barry pulled her in for a hug and whispered, "Are you ok?"

Caitlin shook off the fear and confidently answered, "Yup, ready for Tower of Terror?"

"Only if you are!" Barry exclaimed.

"Then let's do it!" Caitlin cheered, leading the way.

Iris and Cisco were totally having fun at Jitters. With Barry and Caitlin being gone they had really gotten to know each other, they both even felt a little bit of feelings for the other. Cisco didn't know what to do with these slight feelings and Iris tried to convince herself that she didn't have feelings for Cisco. The problem for Iris was that she knew she really liked him and not just as a friend, but she still wanted Barry back.

Caitlin shook off her fears for the walk over to Tower of Terror, but getting in line for it was a whole different type of terrifying. It wasn't until the ride actually started the whole presentation before the drop that Caitlin started to seriously regret this.

The ride hit the top of the tower and just before the ride dropped Caitlin let on hand go of the handle and grabbed Barry's hand. Without any warning the ride dropped and went back up and dropped again. It was terrifying to Caitlin and Barry. For some reason the not knowing when the ride will drop is terrifying to Barry.

Two out of the three other rides were rides they would do with Natalie as a farewell to Disney. The third ride was a Star Wars ride and neither of them cared to do it so Barry dragged Caitlin over to Expedition Everest.

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