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"The thought of you is the only thing keeping me going"

Barry was writing a letter to Cisco at two in the morning  when Joe walked into the cortex. Barry sighed knowing Joe would try and talk Barry out of going to Earth 2.

"I can remember our last conversation so clearly. We were having a nice moment and I could have kissed her, but I didn't. What if I never get that chance again?" A tear trickled down Barry's cheek.

"Barry, you will get that chance again, I promise you. What is your plan?" Joe asked.

"I searched everywhere for her... on this Earth. I'm going to check Earth 2," Barry explained.

"I'll wait here for you. Good luck," Joe didn't even try to fight Barry on this one.

Barry went down to the basement with Joe in his Flash suit. He hugged Joe and said goodbye. Barry rubbed his hands together and got in running position. Barry ran through the breach, leaving Joe with the wind that was left behind.

Caitlin couldn't fall asleep that night or day, she couldn't tell which one it was. She kept her head up high and held on to the thought of Barry coming to rescue her. Every few hours or so she would try to free herself, but she got nothing but more and more rope burns. She had just given up again when her captor stepped into her view.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions and I expect you'll answer them," Her captor bent down to the height she was when she sat down. "What is your name?"

Caitlin didn't answer. She realized her mistake when her captor pulled something out of his pocket. He flipped open a pocket knife and put it up against her cheek. He scraped the knife down her right cheek as a few tears escaped her eyes.

"I'll ask you again. What is your name?" Her captors' voice rose.

Caitlin made a brave move and didn't answer. Blood dripped down her cheek as her captor scraped the knife across her stomach, cutting her shirt and breaking her skin. More tears fell from her eyes. She couldn't bare the pain.

"What is your name?" Her captor screamed, his voice echoing off the walls.

"Laurel Lance!" Caitlin shouted, taking the name of her fallen friend.

Her captor smiled, "Very good. Now, who is the Flash on your Earth?"

Caitlin couldn't give up Barry's name, so, she remained silent once again. Her captor scraped the blade across her thigh, cutting her skirt and breaking the skin. Barry will find me, Caitlin thought as pain rippled throughout her body and blood dripped on the floor.

Barry searched every inch of Earth 2 Central and Star City. He even met up with Harry and Jesse, but neither of them had seen her. Barry was sure that Caitlin would be here, I mean she had to be here, where else could she be? The thought of Kara hadn't crossed his mind. Barry sighed, how long had he been there? He made the tough decision and decided to go back home.

When Barry arrived back at STAR Labs he was greeted by Joe, Cisco, Iris, and Wally. Barry shook his head and went to Joe for a hug. Joe accepted the hug and rubbed his back in assurance that he would find her.

Barry broke apart from Joe and turned towards Wally, "Jesse says hi."

Wally smiled remembering the red-haired girl that he grew fond of before she had gone back to live on Earth-2. Barry went upstairs, followed by Cisco. Barry sat down on the cosmic treadmill, as Caitlin had often done when she needed to cry, and buried his head in his hands. Cisco came and sat down next to him like Barry would do with Caitlin.

"I don't even remember the last thing I said to just her," Cisco's voice cracked as if he was about to start crying.

"She's not dead. We will find her, I just don't know where she could be," Barry sobbed. "Boyfriends are supposed to protect their girlfriends and I failed."

"Wait, wait, hold up, you two are dating? Since when?" Cisco asked, tears still streaming down his face.

"We went on a perfect date last night," Barry explained, crying more and more with each word.

"Is that what the rose on her desk was from?" Cisco asked.

Barry nodded. The West family came into the cortex. Barry and Cisco wiped the tears from their face and got up to go talk to them.

Caitlin was in an unimaginable amount of pain now. She had several cuts on her right leg, blood dripping down her cheek and torso, and a new cut on her arm. She couldn't give up Barry, but she was in so much pain.

"Who is Flash on your Earth!?" Her captor screamed at the top of his lungs, making Caitlin cringe.

"Tommy Merlyn!" Caitlin never knew him, but she remembered Laurel talking about him.

Her captor smiled, obviously pleased. Her captor put the knife back in his pocket giving Caitlin some relief. Her captor walked out of the room, leaving Caitlin with blood dripping everywhere. She was becoming dizzy due to blood loss.

Barry stood in front of Cisco and Caitlin's desk while everyone stood behind it. Ideas were thrown around as to where Caitlin or her captor could be. Some were off the table others seemed realistic enough to try it. They were just about out of ideas until Cisco interjected.

"Wait, didn't you say that you went to Earth 3 once?" Cisco remembered.


Dear readers, 

Quick question, should Caitlin get ice powers like Killer Frost?  Also, sorry about the really short filler chapter. I suggest you watch Supergirl episode 18 with Flash if you haven't seen it, before continuing, but it's not necessary.  

Please answer the question and follow me on Instagram - flash.xoxo

Love, the author, 

Elly :)

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