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"They say follow your heart, but if it's in a million pieces which piece do you follow?"

Barry's heart shattered into a million pieces and fell to the floor. The floor didn't catch the pieces, instead it only made them shatter into a million more pieces. Barry followed the faint sound of a waterfall out of the building. As he exited it, he stepped on the pieces of his heart, tape and glue could never fix this.

A tear from Caitlin's cheek hit the ground. The tear was far too small to make a sound and it was much too dark for it to be seen. She could hear the faint sound of glass shattering behind her or perhaps it was a few tears coming from Barry's soft eyes. However, the sound was soon drowned out by a waterfall. The waterfall wasn't as loud as Caitlin expected it to be, but it was still there. Caitlin wanted the waterfall out of her life, but deep down inside she knew that a dam was not strong enough to stop it.

Felicity could not hear nor could she see the waterfall or the glass shattering, but she could feel their presence. It was as if they were there, but not. Then, out of nowhere, she could hear the faint sound of the waterfall. She could hear the wind or maybe that was Caitlin sniffling. Soon enough she could see it, the waterfall.

Cisco heard glass fall to the floor. He could practically feel it being crunched down into smaller and smaller pieces. The pieces were so tiny that not even the steadiest hands could put them back together.

Barry let a tear slip down his cheek. He walked out to find Cisco with his arms open ready to embrace him. Barry went in for the hug, it was nowhere as nice or soft as Caitlin's but it would do for now. Cisco rubbed Barry's back to assure him everything would be fine.

Felicity did the same as Cisco, she wrapped Caitlin in a hug when she approached her. Their hug, however, did not last as long. It was a quick hug before getting in the car to drive away. Barry and Cisco ended the hug after Caitlin and Felicity pulled out.

As great as it felt for Barry to save people, the weight of being rejected was heavier. He ran home, slower than normal. He was maybe at 300 mph, the speed he ran when he first got his powers. He just wasn't in the mood to feel the wind in his hair, which was odd.

Felicity was only staying for the night, but that was okay with Caitlin. Back at Caitlin's house, the two decided to stop with the makeovers and movies and sit down to have a full on girl talk.

"What are you going to do?" Felicity asked.

"Maybe I should leave town. I could find a nice house or apartment in a suburb area, like you and Oliver did," Caitlin suggested.

"You're just going to leave?" Felicity wanted clarification.

"Why not? I don't want to tell Barry plus it might be better if the baby is away from all of this," Caitlin explained.

"Well then, let's house hunt," Felicity sighed in defeat.

The two friends got onto a laptop and began looking for houses. There were a few nice houses, but they were too expensive for Caitlin to afford. There were only a few pages left of houses in the neighborhood Caitlin liked. Just as they were starting to loose hope a little ranch style house came up. It was cheap, cute, and roomy. There was even a hot tub in the back that the previous owners had gotten. Caitlin set up an appointment to go look at the house. Sadly, Felicity wouldn't be able to go, but at least Caitlin was finding a house she liked. By the time everything was set up, it was almost one in the morning, so the two went to bed, but Caitlin couldn't fall asleep.

Barry lay awake, staring at the ceiling. For some reason, the ceiling had proven to be a good talking partner. However, tonight, the ceiling was silent. Barry wanted Caitlin back so badly but he had no idea how. His thoughts drifted off into daydreaming about Caitlin. His daydream was interrupted by his phone.

Meet me at the park in five ~ Caitlin

Even though it was 3 in the morning, Barry put on some clothes and silently tip-toed down the stairs. Once he was safely out of the house he used his speed to run over to the park.

The park was empty, aside from the wildlife. He walked around looking for Caitlin, but all he could find were crickets chirping. He walked over to the other side of the park where he saw the silhouette of a girl with her arms crossed.

"Caitlin?" Barry called out.

The girl looked over and then stepped into the light. The redness of her hair was amplified by the street lights. Barry stared at her natural beauty, but then realized she was rubbing her arms to get warm. He took off his jacket, even though it was light, and put it around her shoulders. She gave him a soft smile as a thank you. The silence eerily sat on the town. The crickets had stopped chirping and the air seemed motionless. The two felt as if they were teenagers sneaking around in the dead of night to have a chance to see each other. However, they said nothing, they let the air remain still.

"I'm moving," Caitlin finally said. 


Dear readers,

I finally updated! Those first four paragraphs are absolutely my favorite thing ever. I can't wait for y'all to keep reading cuz this is getting good. 

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Love, the author, 

Elly :)

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