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"For us, home isn't a place, it's a person and we're finally home"

Barry used his speed to rush over to Caitlin. Cisco followed him, as fast as he could. Barry rubbed her back as she sobbed into his chest.

"Hey, look, you're safe now. You're in STAR Labs with me and Cisco," Barry whispered.

Cisco pulled up a chair and Barry sat on Caitlin's bed. Flashes of her time on Earth 3 went through Caitlin's head. She glanced over at Cisco who was looking at her with a worried look. She was home, in Barry's arms, with her best friend sitting across from her. Caitlin slowed her breathing and her crying stopped.

"Are you ok?" Cisco asked in a gentle voice.

Caitlin nodded and laid back down. Cisco got up and said goodbye to Caitlin. He was going to go home and get some rest as well. Barry started to get up but was stopped when Caitlin put her hand on his leg.

"Will you stay with me?" Caitlin whispered, bringing back memories of the night of their first karaoke session.

"Yeah of course," Barry sat back down and Caitlin scooted over, giving him enough room to lay down.

Barry felt a little awkward about laying down but he did it anyways. He watched as Caitlin fell asleep next to him. Watching her breathe in and out made him a little sleepy as well and, soon enough, he was asleep too.

The next morning, Iris walked into STAR Labs to make sure Barry was there since he never went back to the West house last night. She looked around and then spotted him. He was lying with Caitlin in his arms, both of them peacefully sleeping. A tear ran down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and then drove to work.

Barry woke up with Caitlin in his arms, she was the little spoon. He smiled slightly remembering that she is home and his. He carefully removed his arm from her torso and then carefully got up. Trying not to wake her. He texted Cisco to bring in breakfast for them. It was only a few minutes after that he was eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes with Cisco as they waited in Caitlin's room for her to wake up.

Cisco decided to go get some more milk for Caitlin so she could put some in her cereal. As Barry slurped the milk out of his bowl, Caitlin woke up. She blinked her eyes open and looked around. She spotted Barry drinking from his cereal bowl.

"You stayed," Caitlin smiled.

Barry looked up and smiled at her, "Yeah, I stayed."

Cisco came in with some milk and poured it into a bowl of cereal. He handed it over to Caitlin, who happily took it.

"How are you feeling?" Barry asked.

"My head hurts but, overall, ok," Caitlin said with a smile on her face.

Caitlin moved over on her bed and hit a spot next to her, telling Barry to sit down next to her. Barry got up and did as she said.

When Caitlin finished her cereal Barry put the bowl on the nightstand next to her. She rested her head on his chest and Barry pulled her closer. Barry gently rested his chin on the top of Caitlin's head.

"Hey, Barry, what did you say this guy's name is?" Cisco asked, referring to Caitlin's captor.

"Johnny Quick, why?" Barry asked, raising his chin up so it no longer rested on Caitlin's head.

"I think I found him," Cisco informed Barry.

Barry planted a soft kiss on Caitlin's head before walking over to Cisco's desk. Cisco pointed to a picture that he had from a security camera as if to say "is that him?" Barry shook his head. He happened to glance down at a desk calendar as he shook his head that read "Caitlin's bday" under tomorrow's date. He had no idea.

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