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The next day, Haerin woke up to her annoying alarm, getting ready for school. She forced herself out of the bed, wishing for school to end as she was getting ready. After few tries of tying her hair into simple ponytail, she sighed. "What a life." She babbled.

She headed downstairs, displaying her gloomy face as she took a seat . "Good morning, mom." She greeted, her voice obviously sounded the lack of enthusiasm. Her mom was busy with the vegetables she took from the fridge when Haerin greeted. "Good morning too, Haerin. You look cheerful today." Said her mom, sarcastically within her motherly voice.

"Am I not cheerful this whole time, mother?" She shrugged, toasted two pieces of bread. "So, any hot gossip from your market gossip besties?" She asked while spreading some Nutella across the toasted bread.

"Not much. Just some interesting topic about grandchildren." She said, not even bother to stop and have a proper conversation with Haerin. But the boring topic mentioned by her mom somehow had her eyebrow raised.

"Wow mom, I didn't know you're so into this kind of topic." She said. The crunchy sound of her biting the toasted bread was very much pleasing to her.

"Yeah, I didn't know myself either until they began to brag about how awesome it is being a grandmother." Her mother added, an obvious jealousy tone lies within her voice.

There's a moment of silence for few seconds before Haerin spoke. "You want to be a grandmother, huh?"

"Well..." her mom hesitated to answer to that question for some reason. "...which mothers who wouldn't dreamt of that?"

"But mom, I'm still young." She chuckled. "And I don't even know if I can grant your wish."

"Stop it." Her mom protested, finally having a proper conversation as she turned around facing her daughter. "You will have a boyfriend and get married one day. Don't act like nobody wants you." She used a knife in her hand to point at Haerin who's sheepishly smiled at her.

"I'm not acting, I'm telling the truth. And the truth is, mother, nobody really, truly wants me." She said, speaking gibberish because of the bread she chewed.

Her mom clearly didn't bought it. "That's because you refuse to give them chance to know you. Quit playing hard to get already."

"No can't do~" she cooed, ignoring her mom nagging. Her mom shook her head to Haerin being childishly stubborn. "Alright then, young lady. You better go to school now before I called your principal and ask for your detention."

Haerin chuckled by her mom's harmless threat as she headed to the front door, with her mom tailing from behind. "Aight mom. I'm off to school now. I can't wait to see you again after school."

Her mom put up an annoyed face within Haerin's kisses on her cheeks. "Hm. As if you're really that anticipated to confront me when you get. I know you just can't wait to sleep as soon as you get home."

"Love you mom!"

Waving her mom goodbye, her mom went back inside the house as Haerin went to her dad who's busy checking out the car engine. "Hi dad! Good morning." She greeted.

"Good morning."

He closed the bonnet, washing his covered with lubricant oil hands at the nearby tap. "Excited for school today?"

She sighed, as if he can read expression and guessing her mood right that day. "You can tell by the smiling on my face." She put up the fakest smile she ever had, which made her dad laughed.

"I know school can be tough, but it's okay. As long as you have clean record, you're fine." He gave his all time piece of advice. Instead of listening to him, she let out a snort. "Somehow mom tried to get me into detention." She mumbled.

"Okay dad, I'll keep that in mind. I'm going now, see you later!" She walked in backwards while giving a few waves of goodbye to her dad. "Be careful! I'll buy you ice cream by the time you get home and I won't tell your mom about it." He looked around, in a hope that his wife didn't heard that.

"Haha thanks dad you're the best!" She exclaimed since they were distancing from each other, giving a thumbs up at him. "Bye!"

* * *

She crossed the road and made it to the other side of the pavement, and walking her way to school which located not far from her home. The rhythm of her steps getting slower as she saw a very familiar figure leaning against a wall, hands both inside his pockets.

"Please don't say hi. Pleaaase don't say hi." She looked down, began quicken her steps in a hope that she could passed by the boy left him far behind. Her legs became sore, and when she 100 percent sure that she lost him, so she finally slowed down and walked normally.

But the peaceful walk was only lasted for few seconds.

"Hi Haerin!"

The boy she was trying to avoid was now walking right beside her. She gave up. "Yes, Jungkook." She returned his greet, putting up the same fake smile she did to her dad.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked.

"Seems like I don't have to answer now that you're here." She shrugged, feeling uncomfortable walking really close beside him. Things getting more awkward when both of them didn't talk. Until Haerin spoke.

"Do you live here?" She asked, wondering if he had just moved into her neighbourhood area because she knew her place so well that she can detect any new faces living there.

"No." He replied, and she frowned upon hearing his answer.

"What are you doing here then?" She asked again. He shrugged. "I don't know. Waiting for you, I guess."

Haerin shook her head, being so done with his cheesiness. She stopped abruptly, and the sudden halt driven him to stop as well.

"And why would you want to wait for me all of sudden? You should have wait for your girlfriend instead."

She had her arms folded while deeply staring at the unbothered Jungkook. He tried to play it cool, but at the same time trying so hard not to show how nervous he actually was.

"I really did waited for my girlfriend, but I saw you first, and you were walking alone so I had to do what a gentleman do. Accompanying you." He said with a wink and a smile that's not really friendly but naughty one.

Haerin sighed, loosening her arms and continued her path. Jungkook quickly approached her as he left all behind.

"If you're having a bet with your friends to hurt my feelings or whatsoever, I believed you chose the wrong person. You will lose the bet because first, I'm not pretty, unlike your girlfriend. Second, I know how to dodge desperate boys."

That last line had just hurt Jungkook's pride. He knew he had to think of new strategies since Haerin is not just that kind of ordinary girl.

"That's the thing." He added. She looked at him in confusion, not quite understood to what he had just said.


"Because you're something."

To be continued..

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