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Haerin woke up the next day and getting ready for school as usual. Usually when she was getting for school she had nothing to be thinking of rather than school and the eagerness to go home.

But ever since last night, she couldn't stop thinking about him. Especially that up close side profile and the tiny dimples.

Another changes she had was that she would use a small amount of perfume, but that morning she sprayed almost the entire of her body. Unintentionally.

"Good morning dad." She greeted as she found her dad reading his newspaper in the dining. He tilted down the newspaper and returned her greet with a smile.

"Good morning." He simply greeted and lifted up the newspaper again.

She took a seat right next to him, putting down her school bag on the floor near her legs.

"Woah.. dad, did you make all these, or mom did?" She asked, joking around.

"Actually, I am." He answered, letting out a small laugh seeing his daughter's reaction.

"Really?? Wow... I was just joking though. I thought mom did." Clearly that her dad was a bit offended by her comments, but he just ignored it because he knew how she just loved giving sarcastic humours.

"Okay I did get a little help from your mom." He confessed with his old man chuckle.

"I knew it. Haha... Oh wait! Speaking of which, where is she then?"

"She went to the hospital this morning." Her dad replied, folded the newspaper on the table while taking a sip of his coffee.

Haerin paused as she began to pay close attention to what her dad said.

"And what is she doing in the hospital?"

"Visit your aunt. Eunji."

She gawked, mouthed 'huh?' to her surprise. "What happened to Aunt Eunji??" She asked, being concern about the news of her beloved aunt.

"She had a fever couple days ago and was immediately rushed to the hospital last night due to high blood pressure. But she's okay now." Her dad explained, and Haerin who was grimaced listening to her dad's explanation sighed in relief knowing that she's fine and stable.

"Poor Aunt Eunji. Uh, dad... can I go and visit her after school? Pleaseee.." she begged, hoping that her dad would gave his permission.

He nodded. Haerin's face lighten up by the green light her dad's permission. "Sure you can go, but you need to inform your mom first."

Haerin was pretty sure that her mom would gave her permission just as easy as her dad's.

"Alright. I'll figure that out later. I'm going now. Bye dad!"

She put on her worn out school shoes and left to school.

The weather was unpredictably cold outside and seemingly to be a little bit foggy early in the morning. Fortunately she brought along her thick sweater.
"Oof... I hate morning." She mumbled, rubbing her nose that was already reddened due to the coldness.

After crossing the road, she kept the tracks on her way the school. It was all good and peaceful when she saw an unfamiliar glimpse from afar leaning against the same wall where she saw Jungkook before. She thought it was Jungkook at first, so she tried to avoid him by ignoring him and kept on walking. She didn't even dare to steal a glance at him as she walking by. After making sure that he was far away left behind, she began to walk normally.

She recalled back the glimpse she saw just now, and began to realise that the figure was way different from Jungkook's. And if that was Jungkook, he would've immediately went to her and annoyed her by now.

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