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"Hi babe."

He greeted, only added fuel to the fire when he said it in his sweet voice. The attractive voice that she had been longing so much. And that cute bunny smile of his which never failed to activate her uwu-mode.

She was dying to hug him and kiss him, but then she remembered how he made her felt unappreciated and she's not worth of his time, she refrained herself from touching him even though her heart wanted to do the opposite.

"Don't 'babe' me, you creep. I have a name okay and my name is—"

"Jungkook's girl."

"Not yours." She scorned, arms folded and no fun face expression. He leaned forward with a witty smile on his face. "Well, I prefer to call you mine."

She backed away, looking at him in disgust. "Who are you to claim me like that??"

"Your beloved boyfriend." He shortly answered, keeping his cool while captivating her with his charm. Then he noticed Haerin wearing a maroon colour with white floral V-neck, slightly above knee length. And the way few strands of her long hair blown by the wind... she looked perfect in such simplicity.

"Boyfriend? Omg is that you? I thought I would never gonna see you again because of the fact that I'm a ghost now." Said Haerin, faking up the sad voice and face in her act of mockery. Then in just a split second she went back to her old self again. "Don't talk to me again. I'm a pathetic ghost."

She abruptly turned around, purposely slapping his face with her flipping hair. Jungkook winced in pain by the painful hard slap at his eyes, but he put the pain aside as he needed to win her heart back. "Haerin please..." He managed to stop her from walking away from him when he did that cliché move by catching her hand.

Jungkook was ready to be yelled at or even some punches she might gonna threw at him, but to his surprise, Haerin did none of those. She turned around to face him, meeting his eyes with hers. "Okay, Jungkook. Okay."

His lips curled into a huge smile when Haerin turning back to him. He gazed deeply into her eyes, as he also longing for her as a whole.

"Although, I may needed to ask for a favor first."

He tucked the strands of her hair behind her ear, then placing his finger under her chin. "Sure, love. Anything for you."

She took a step forward, closing the gap between them. "It's that... can I have my hand back?"

His smile slowly faded, while Haerin was still acted like it was nothing. But before Jungkook could respond, Haerin released her hand from his grip and began walking to the opposite direction, which was away from him.

Jungkook immediately ran after her then jumped in front of her the, blocking her way. Haerin halted by the sudden jumping like a frog, trying to dodge him left and right but failed when he detained her.

She stopped, letting out a deep sigh. She looked at him straight-faced, trying so hard to show the disinterest. "What do you want?"

"I want you."

She rolled her eyes, with arms folded and deadpan expression. "You should've told me that before you ghosted me though. You can't have me now, so please..." she snatched away the blindfold in his hand. "Leave me alone. I have a date with someone right now."

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