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Later that night, Haerin tucked herself under her blanket and the moment she closed her eyes, her mind lead her to that imagination again. Of course, the kiss still had a few effects left on her that she had a night reverie of sweet dream.

She gave in to her own imagination, letting herself fantasied about the kiss she had with Jungkook. Her toes curled by the way he secured her waist, and that his hand trailing the curve of her arched back way up until her neck. The kiss be deepened when he gently caressed the back of her neck, then his slender fingers be trailed further to her hair. The passionate sensation she felt in that imagination, but she just couldn't turned down to her own fantasy about the boy she despised the most.

* * *

The next morning...

The bright light of the sun peering through her window had her squirming in her bed. She got up into a seated position, sluggishly getting down from her bed and went for the curtain to block the sunlight. Her plan was that she would went back to sleep after she pulled the curtain close but the minute she set her feet on the floor, the sleepiness gone completely.

She picked up her phone on the nightstand next to her bed, checking out the time. It was 9:36 am, and she noticed a new notification bar with Jungkook's name on it, so she tapped on the screen to open the unread text.

Jungkook: Good morning, sunshine. Did you sleep well?
Jungkook: And... Did you dreamt about me? 😉😏😏

She rolled her eyes to the first thing that annoyed her in the morning.

Haerin: ???

Jungkook: 😏😏
Jungkook: Be honest Haerin... Did you really dreamt about me last night? 😏😙

Haerin: So what if I did?? 🙄

Jungkook: That means you already fell for me. I know you do 😉

Haerin: Just because I dreamt about you doesn't proof that I like you, rascal. 😑
Haerin: It's because I spent too much time with you that you appeared in my head without my consent

Jungkook: Oh my
Jungkook: It's a sign!

Haerin: What sign ??

Jungkook: That you're my future wife. 😘😘

Haerin: . . .
Haerin: In your dream 👊🏼

Jungkook: But you dreamt of it first 🙊

She clenched her teeth, fingers rapidly tapping the keyboard.

Haerin: I hate you. 🔫💣🔪

Jungkook: love you too 😘 So, since today is Saturday... Go out on a date with me? Pleaseee...

Haerin: 🤔
Haerin: no.

Jungkook: I'm asking you one more time and if you reject again, I will kgzidieheufktsspegeiwpfh

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