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Haerin was now five months pregnant. It was 9.30 am in the morning and people began to enter the coffee bar for their regular energy boost. One of the workers opened the glass door for Haerin when she arrived.

"Good morning, Mrs Jeon."

The worker greeted her, then followed by the rest of the workers. "Good morning. Have you guys had your breakfast yet?"

The baristas answered 'yes' in unison while the waitresses and waiters answered the opposite.

"Why?" Asked Haerin to her concern. Some of them said they woke up late and some said they got caught in traffic jam. The usual excuse she always heard from them whenever she asked.

"Alright then. You can go and have your breakfast. But don't leave this place unattended! Some of you will have to stay while others done with their breakfast then you can take turns."

"Okay, Mrs Jeon." The workers bowed, and they acted like some kind of children who obeyed their kindergarten teacher. And the way they dismissed seemed like it.

Haerin was busy having a serious discussion with one of the baristas when someone greeted her by the cashier counter. The other barista interrupted the conversation as she informed Haerin about that person who had been staring at Haerin for as long as he had been standing there.

"Mrs Jeon, your husband is here."

Haerin glanced at the guy who's grinning at her, shaking her head in annoyance. "Let me know if the coffee machine is malfunctioning again so I can call for maintenance." The barista nodded, and proceeded with her delayed work.

Haerin took a step forward to the cashier counter where she confronted the never-ending smirking guy of her husband by the counter.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Yes hi good morning. May I have your order?" She placed her hands on her hip, looking at him deadpan in the face.

"Yes sure. I want..." he played along as he pretended to look through the menu on the surface of the counter. Then he jerked his head up, setting his elbows on the counter and rested his chin on his intertwined fingers. "...You."

Haerin clenched her teeth and jaw, being so done with her husband's cheesiness while the baristas squealing so hard like they were watching some sort of a scene to an adaptation of romantic comedy drama.

"I'm sorry, kind sir. It's not in the menu."

He raised an eyebrow, smirking at her like there's no tomorrow. "But it's in the menu though. You know... Me-n-u."

The baristas squealing again. Haerin facepalmed, calming herself down as she muttered something under her breath. Then she looked up and facing him, trying to hold in her smile after hearing his lame pickup line.

"Sir, if you keep talking nonsense I'm afraid I will have to call the security and throw you out of this place." She threatened him, but Jungkook knew she would never meant anything she said so he stayed put.

"There's no security around here." Said Jungkook, staring at his wife's face dearly.

"Or should I just call the police then." Replied Haerin, slowly leaned forward and did the same position as Jungkook. Both of them fixed into each other's eyes, separated by the cashier counter in between.

"Alright, sweetheart. You win." He raised both hands to his surrender.

"Thank you for cooperation. And you're holding up the line which is something that I dislike the most."

Jungkook looked over his shoulder, and Haerin was right. He apologised to the customers who were giving him such angry and annoyed faces.

"Alright. Make me your finest caramel macchiato. Iced." He coolly said, and walked away from the counter to go for the unoccupied table at the corner.

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