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She had been exposed to the sun for god knows how long and she hurriedly hopping her way back to the house like a bunny. The moment she stepped onto the patio, Jungkook noticed such flushing red on her face.

"What happen to you?" He asked with a chuckle as soon as she approached him.

"I don't know, but I feel like... I've been burned alive by the sun." She replied, fanning herself along with short quick breaths.

"Yeah no doubt. Because you legitimately looking like a cooked crab right now." He joked, didn't realised her condition was getting worse.

"Don't you.. Ever.. Start.."

She took a step closer with an attempt to hit him in the face, but she couldn't uttered any words properly because of the heavy gasp. Her toes were clenched to prevent herself from stumbling down.

"Hey, I really love the way you blink at me because it's really cute, but you can stop now because I bear with the cuteness." He chuckled to his intention of teasing her until she got mad at him.

"I... uh... don't..."

She couldn't even talk properly as she began to feel her head spinning. Her condition had gotten even worse when her vision started to get blurry, and that leads her to collapse as she couldn't held herself any longer.

He finally realised how odd her behaviour that he managed to catch her before she could landed on the ground, thanks to his quick reflex. Haerin was laid unconscious in his embrace, didn't even heard a thing or felt anything when Jungkook indistinctively called her name and repeatedly shaking her arms to wake her up.

Half an hour later...

Haerin opened her eyes slowly, and she gave a grimace of a sharp pain in her head because of the bright light piercing in her eyes. When she finally gaining her conciousness, she was completely surprised to see the close up image of Jungkook's shirt at the abdomen part, only then she realised her actual position. She had her head rested on his lap.

"Ugh... What happen?"

She asked in her hoarse voice, rubbing her entire face to erase the close up image which already patched in her mind. Jungkook leaned down as he brought his face closer to her.

"You passed out." He replied.

"For real...? How long??" She asked again, covering her eyes under her palm to avoid the very near eye contact.

He repositioning himself again as he sat up straight and gently stroking her hair. "About half an hour." He replied.

"Does that mean I had been laying my head on your freaking lap for about half an hour?" She jerked her head up, struggling to get herself up when Jungkook pressed her forehead back down to stop her from getting away from him.

"Stay wherever you are, miss. You ain't going anywhere."

She looked up to see his face and there's that close up image of his abdomen again, although his torso was hidden under his shirt. "Ugh." She grunted in annoyance. "Can I at least have some water please?"

He slapped his forehead when she requested for water because he forgot that his grandmother reminded him to give Haerin the glass of water on the coffee table soon after she woke up. "Oh right!"

"Thank you for your concern." She replied sarcastically while he helped her getting up. She sat with her legs crossed, and had her thumbs on both sides of her head with some pressure on it to ease the headache a little bit.

"Here, you go. I almost splashed the whole water on your face just now, but thankfully my conscience refrained myself from doing it." He joked with a huge grin on his face while handing over the glass of water to her.

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