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They gazed into each other's eyes for god knows how long that the pizza was getting cold. Jungkook can feel his heart began to beat faster by the closeups, and Haerin with the odd feeling in her chest as shown through her sparkling eyes.

"Damn... you be really came up to me this close and make my heart beating fast." He said in his lowered voice, tucking her hair behind her ear, had her blinked. "Stop that. You look so painfully adorable when you blink."

The situation they were in was almost exactly like how she fantasied the past days. He brought his face closer to her, his warm breath brushed her lips. He would be kissing her anytime soon, so she braced herself and ready for impact.

Jungkook placed his fingers below her chin, gently brushed her lower lip with the tip of his thumb. "I won't let any boys to have your lips, and you. Screw your rejection. You're mine."

She gulped, being so nervous that she clenched her fist. The outfit she wore didn't really help to cool down with increasing heat of her body temperature. Jungkook averted his eyes to her lips, biting his lower lip as he took a look at it. He slowly leaned forward, and their lips were just an inch apart when suddenly...


Both of them stopped by the loud knock on the door. Haerin abruptly opened her eyes, immediately backed away and got up from the couch. Her face flushing red that she hurriedly went to the door.

Haerin wasn't in her right that she opened the door, totally forgot her mom's heavy warning earlier. Gladly it was someone whom she was very familiar with.

"My god– Yangmi!" She exclaimed, putting up her biggest fake smile while her friend returned her smile with a genuine one. Yangmi looked very happy, while Haerin looked very anxious under her fake smile.

"Good to see you too, my friend." said Yangmi cheerfully. Haerin let out a subtle laugh, rubbing the back of her neck. She quickly grabbed the handle of the door, closing the gap to prevent her friend from noticing Jungkook behind. "Y-yeah... good to see you too, my friend." She sneered when she emphasised the word 'friend'.

Yangmi stood on her toes, trying to take a look in the house since the open door was fully blocked by Haerin. "Your house seems quiet though. Where's your mom? And dad?" She asked. Haerin looked over her shoulder and turned to Yangmi again.

"Well, my mom went to the hospital to visit her friend, and dad drove her there, so... yeah. I'm home alone."

"Really? Oh.." Yangmi nodded. Haerin squeezed the doorknob really hard, hoping for Yangmi not to stay because of the fact that she was home alone. But not literally by herself. "Please don't come in. Please don't come in!"

"Welp, I just coming by to check up on you. I had so much to tell you, but maybe next time. Because it's really tiring to walk all the way here and there, you know what I'm saying?" Yangmi let out a hearty laugh, making Haerin perplexed by sudden odd behaviour. But she played along as she letting out her fake, subtle laugh.

"So I'll see you around at school next Monday?"

Haerin vigorously nodded. "Meet you at school then."

"Alright. Bye!"

"Bye!" She waved at her and closed the door, breathed out to her relief. "Phew! That was close." She muttered, then walked her way back to Jungkook. "Who's that?" He asked.

"Yangmi." She shortly answered. "Oh..." He nodded. But the reliefs didn't last long when she heard a screeching sound of a car outside, along with few thuds of the car doors closed. That's definitely not a good sound to Haerin. She went to the window again and began to freak out when she saw her parents walking their way to the front door.

"Oh sh– Jungkook, my parents are back you better go now!" She made a gesture of shooing him away, but Jungkook was remained still on the couch. "But Haerin, you do realise that the only way out is through that door though."

She thought of something while she was struggling with her panic attack. "I have an idea. Follow me." She picked up the empty pizza box and left it somewhere in the kitchen, then beckoned him to follow her and he did. She lead him to the backyard, and thankfully the gate was not locked. Probably her dad forgot to lock it back when he was rushed to start off the engine earlier who knows.

As Jungkook walked through the gate and, Haerin stopped him before he left. "W-Wait..." she took him by his arm, making him halted by the sudden grip. He turned around with an eyebrow raised.

"I... Um... Thank you, for today though. For accompanying me. And, uh... the fact that we almost... You know... Do the kiss..." She uttered the scribbled words out of her head, making it sounded like she was stuttering.

He smiled dearly at her, tucking the stranded hair behind her ear. "I'm glad I came. You know, we could've just ignored Yangmi and proceeded with the kissing, but..." he paused, "I don't know. I feel like I don't want to do something disrespectful in your house, so I'm glad that she interrupted." He said. Haerin was touched by his words, little did she knew it melted her and softened her heart.

"So anyway... thank you too for today. See you on Monday." He waved at her, slowly backing away from the gate. Haerin smiled and nodded. "Yeah. See you on Monday." She repeated.

"Bye, Haerin."

"Bye." She waved back at him, watching him as he left until he absent from her sight.

"Haerin? Haerin where are you?!" The voice of her mom calling her name echoed throughout the house. She quickly closed the gate and headed back into the house.

"Hae— oh thank goodness. Where were you? You weren't even in your room for crying out loud." Her mom asked, clasping her hands because of the worrisome situation.

"Oh nothing. Just wandering around the backyard, getting some fresh air." Replied Haerin, acting like nothing serious ever happened.

Her mom now calmed to her relief, knowing that Haerin was perfectly fine. "Really? I thought you hated it going to the backyard. Found anything interesting back there?" Her mom asked sarcastically.

Her mom went to the kitchen while Haerin pulled a chair under the dining table for her to sit and propping her chin on her hand. "Not really. Just, admiring the environment." She replied vaguely as she began thinking about Jungkook. She was so into her daydream that she couldn't even heard a thing to what her mom said to her.

"Haerin? Haerin! Earth to Haerin!" Her mom plucked her fingers in front of Haerin's face. Her mom managed to catch her attention, but she was still in her dreamy mood.

"Are you okay?" Her mom asked. Haerin let out a chuckle, and that confused her mom even more.

"You're so funny, mom." She laughed, her face now blushing red.

"Okay Haerin... What's wrong with you? You're creeping me out now." Her mom nudged her by the shoulder.

"I'm fine, mom. Don't worry about me. Besides, I think I have a change of heart now." Haerin stood up, hopping her way upstairs to her room, leaving her mom so many questions behind.

"Change of heart? Wait... what?" She babbled. She headed back to kitchen, and that's when she saw something on top of the dustbin. She scratched her head upon seeing something similar which she already disposed this morning.

"Is it me or she's actually eating a pizza again?"

To be continued.. (A/N:)

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